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Refering to men or women that are of interest to the opposite sex. The person comes across amuseing, and could possibly be a potential mate. But until that is known, the person is referred to as a "possibilitie".

A woman walks into a bar and notices right away that there are many goodlooking men that she would be interested in. These men are called possibilities. They just might possibly have looks and a personality to offer, but thats to be determined.

by Angela Fossett August 5, 2006

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not possible

Another way of stating IMpossible

Can't be done, no, not possible!

by Hercolena Oliver August 31, 2008

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Pathway to Possible

A positive and inspiring way to ask a lady if you can go in.

After multiple healthy activities and high-fives, she agreed on the Pathway to Possible.

by Uhhh...Email December 23, 2019

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Trenything is possible

The belief that with the use of the steroid Trenbolone Acetate, one can achieve their ideal body goals that they wouldn’t be able to achieve otherwise naturally

β€œBro how can I get a body like him, look how shredded he is”
β€œHey man… trenything is possible”

by Konodioda! November 5, 2022

possible pig

While driving on the highway, spotting an unmarked vehicle ahead that resembles a cop car. This sighting causes you to slow down and remain behind the car until you figure out if it is safe to pass. The most notorious models include the Ford Crown Victoria and the similar looking Mercury Marauder, and nowadays can include the Chevrolet Impala, Dodge Charger, etc.

Guy: What are you slowing down for dude?
Driver: Theres a Crown Vic up there
Guy: So?
Driver: Possible pig bro
Guy: Oh word good call

by bludevil214 December 3, 2009

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lady possible

(n) girl parts. famous slang for what Carrie Prejean was playing with during her 8+ sex tapes.

Carrie Prejean can be seen rubbing her Lady Possible in her homemade sex films.

See also: taco

by skileahy December 8, 2009

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Possibly in Michigan

Possibly in Michigan is a 1983 short (Precisely 12 minutes) musical horror created by Cecelia Condit. The music for the short film was created by Karen Skladany. The film is about two women being stalked by a man named Arthur.

Person 1: Have you seen "Possibly in Michigan?"
Person 2: Yeah, I have. That scared the shit out of me.
Person 1: Eh, it wasn't that scary.

by livingcorpsebride October 16, 2021