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post-ironic reverse reverse psychology

Saying what you really feel in an ironic tone of voice.

E.g. 1 (Spoken in an Aubrey Plaza monotone) *rolls eyes* "Oh yeah, I totally wanna have sex with you right now."

E.g. 2 "She was using post-ironic reverse reverse psychology again."

by aubreyplaza March 13, 2014

5👍 4👎

Post-Ironic Sincerity

The act of using a phrase or word in a sincere or unironic manner, that originally was only used or meant in an unironic manner.

"What up, Fam"
"Bro, did you just say 'Fam' unironically? You used to make fun of people who say that."
"Oh shit... I guess I did."
"That is some Post-Ironic Sincerity"

by Delete_Repeat April 10, 2024


2017 reincarnated in a dose modern Chudist Ideology

John loves the Barbie Hitler-Aryan-Hyperborean-ken edit, he is a heavy believer in Post-Ironic-Neo-Chudism.

by Wrante July 29, 2023

Post-Ironic Sinceritism

The act of phenomena of when you use a phrase or word in a sincere or unironic manner, that originally was only used or meant in an unironic manner.

"What up, Fam"
"Bro, did you just say 'Fam' unironically? You used to make fun of people who say that."
"Oh shit... I guess I did."
"That is called Post-Ironic Sinceritism"

by Delete_Repeat April 10, 2024