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(verb): Drinking at your house prior to going to your friends to pregame. This in turn will be followed by more drinking while out and about.

Allan: Dude you coming by my house first before we go out? We got to pregame.
V: I'm already practicing at my house.
Allan: Game time bitches! Practice makes perfect.

by V the mosquite NJ September 26, 2010

15👍 7👎


What you should be doing 24/7/366 if you are a musician. So what are you doing looking up “practice” on Urban Dictionary??? Go practice!!!!

wHy yoU nO pRACtiCe, hUh?????? LinG LiNg pRacTIceS 40 hOuRs a DaY!!!!!

by Pialinist June 11, 2020

13👍 7👎


ඇත්තටම / virtually

I am practically living with Frank.
You've Got Mail

by සකල බුජන් May 1, 2019

3👍 3👎


Practical is something that Mr.Helson doesn't understand.

"Are we Doing practical". doubt it, we've got Helson.

by ZrxTeamGreen June 17, 2021

2👍 2👎

practice banana

Banana chosen for its particular length, girth, curvature, or size in general. Usually for oral practice, but has other uses.

What? You've never given any? Let's go to the store and grab some practice bananas then.

by Psylicide December 9, 2006

199👍 12👎

practical problems

Hey look buddy, I'm an engineer. That means I solve problems, not problems like "What is beauty?" Because that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.

I solve practical problems, for instance: how am I going to stop some mean mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous be-hind? The answer, use a gun, and if that don't work... Use more gun. Take for instance this heavy caliber tripod mounted lil' old number designed by me, built by me, and you best hope... Not pointed at you.

by Uttercolor February 16, 2021

21👍 1👎


Used in Law Enforcement, Police etc. to indicate to fellow co-workers that they will be meeting after the shift to indulge in some liquid refreshments. (May even be stated over the car radios to alert the entire shift)

"Meet you after work, choir practice tonight"

by Jim L (NFPD, RETIRED) September 6, 2007

181👍 19👎