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Proof of purchase

The somewhat fishy smell left on your fingers after fingering a girl. It can prove to your buddy you hooked up with a girl.

"You want your proof of purchase *sniff*? THERE's your proof of purchase."

by Yankees2000 January 22, 2009

66๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Similar to virtue signalling but done by means of buying trendy goods or services so as to display one's sense of contrived self-superiority: items such as books by politically correct authors, garish artwork purported to save rain-forests, or FairTrade coffee that makes the buyer feel woke; faddishly leftist buying habits that conform to intersectionality and other expressions of socially popular SJW pseudoscience, especially popular among university students.

Asheleigh-Meghan isn't going to actually read Michelle Obama's new book. She just bought it to put on the coffee table in case one of her black classmates shows up unexpectedly. It's more of a virtue-purchase.

by Father Hollywood December 5, 2018

Pitty Purchasing

A secret form of manipulation commonly used by 4-14 year olds to get what they want. They often use this after receiving bad news, going to do or have just done something hard, or after doing something good. They use pitty as a good excuse to buy or do something that they would normally not be able to do or buy otherwise.

-Moooommmmmm, the dentist really hurt!!! Can we go to the toy store?
-Please........... It really hurts...............Owwwww.......

2 minutes later

-I'm sorry for being so annoying.... I'm over it....Owwwww.
-Would you stop trying to get me to do pitty purchasing. And we didn't even go to the dentist, you got a haircut.

by sportsdude88 March 16, 2010

65๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

horny purchase

when you buy something (pair of expensive boxers/lingerie set etc) whilst slightly aroused then you regret it after losing your arousal and thinking why the hell did i buy those?

the item then becomes relevant again next time youโ€™re horny, but loses itโ€™s relevance again after.

single people are 10x more likely to make a horny purchase, as you have to then (even slightly) regret the item given that nobody is there to appreciate it but you.

โ€œwhy did you buy them expensive boxers, youโ€™re single itโ€™s not like anybody is going to appreciate them? โ€œ
โ€œwas a horny purchase mateโ€

by dannyd1978 March 6, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

purchase pleasure

The unexplained feeling of bliss, joy and satisfaction one gets following a purchase. It can last anything from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the size, worth or usefulness of the item acquired. Buyer's remorse can sometimes follow or replace purchase pleasure. It is often a reason for shopping addiction.

Laura-May: Hanging out and shopping with you yesterday made me really happy.

Grant: Me too, but then I'm always happy when I buy things. I'm still getting purchase pleasure today.

#2: I'm not sure I want to go anywhere today honey, I've had a miserable week at work.

Come on, I'll take you to the mall. You'll forget your problems with some purchase pleasure.

by Laura-May May 31, 2008

4321๐Ÿ‘ 1153๐Ÿ‘Ž

bulk purchase

Bulk purchasing is the purchase of much larger quantities than the usual, for a unit price that is lower than the usual.

Nick: Dude i just bought a pound of weed
Zach: Damn dude thats a Bulk Purchase, we usually get 20 bags.

by TheMan38 December 18, 2013

Louisiana Purchase

another term for a mullet

see also:
achy breaky big mistakey
beaver paddle
bible belt bonnet
business with pleasure cut
camaro crash helmet
Canadian passport
coat rack
Florida panhandle
hockey hair
Kentucky waterfall
Mississippi mud flap
Missouri compromise
neck warmer
shorty longback
ten-ninety (or 1090)
Tennessee tophat

"hey Easton, get a load of that dude's Louisiana Purchase!"

by bungalow bill December 17, 2005

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