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When two races are compared and one is allotted more slack (see affirmative action)

Yo, that white guy and black dude are fighting for 1st place, They should let the black homie win, yo.

Fuck that, you can't call racies, Bro.

by DB0723 February 20, 2006

18👍 35👎


when something is a little racist or seems racist.

Ted just called the brown kid on the soccer team "explosive of the field" seems kind of racy to me...

by mikeoxmaulwasalreadyinuse March 18, 2021

9👍 24👎


a series of online stunt races in GTA V performed with the boys.
consisting of 2 face to face races, and 3 other various types of jumps, loops, and rage-inducing courses.

racies 8pm be there or be square!
you boys down for some racies tonight?

by krispihandro April 21, 2020

1👍 1👎

racy photos

Based on the context I've seen in used in, I means nude or private photos sent to you by a partner or someone you are involved with in some way

"Most men wouldn't show their friends racy photos of their partner. "

by Hmmm🤔 March 18, 2016

22👍 5👎


(Pronounced Rays-E-Cret) Portmanteau of racist and secret used to refer to when a racist person tries to make themself look tolerant, this is an alternate to "Closet Racist" as that phrase might overlap with the term used for when queer people are in the closet about their gender/sexuality/etc.

(and also because Jon Doe says "all functioning human beings are Closet Racists" WTF no they're not you moron)

"My uncle doesn't act kindly towards the chinese but he says he respects all religions... except for satanism (which he uses as a buzzword for any progressive denomination of religion) apparently... clearly he has a Raci-cret to hide"

by AndrejusYT December 24, 2024


A term used in Indiana for a racist person.

There were a bunch of racis at the klan rally in Crown Point.

by Actuarius81 May 17, 2023