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A derogretory term for faggotry.

Man1: dude look at that rauch over there.
Man2: Why did they let gay marriage be legal?

by pack&wrap September 21, 2009

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Gabriel Rauch

A fine gentleman with fine manners.
Basically a god

And the best human on earth
And the smartest man alive

Believeโ€™s in chivalry.

Loves long walks on the beach

Gabriel Rauch the best of all and the only god

by GabrielTheMighty September 22, 2020

rauch a spliff

to smoke weed. from the german "rauchen" meaning to smoke. specifically used in the english islands.

hey tim wanna rauch a spliff and watch blues brothers?

by JUICE1379 September 7, 2006

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Nathan Rauch

Typically a man who is a known racist and is an outcast because of it. Nathan is a cuck who has a tiny weener.

Nathan Rauch is a cuck

by Yora-Dopted December 10, 2019

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Nathan Rauch

Grand wizard of the kkk. Hates minorities and the lgbt community. Sworn enemy is negrodomis.

Nathan Rauch is a racist.

by Big daddy69 dicks October 11, 2019

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Jack Aiden Rauch

A 5โ€™8 telephone tough guy that has ugly girlfriends and claims they hot and will talk shit on you behind your back because he canโ€™t stand up for himself and has beef until Sillygoose threatens to hand out an asswhooping i

Hey uhh, โ€œ weโ€™re you talking shit to get some ugly skank to chuckle at you?โ€ Thatโ€™s a jack Aiden Rauch mentality man.

by Carter Cash Zimmerman July 24, 2022


The act of blowing smoke up someone's ass. From the German word "rauch", meaning smoke, it is nonetheless pronounced as it would be in American English (RAOW-ching). A favorite pastime of would-be high testosterone alpha males, it tends to be found in high abundance at company golf outings and national sales meetings, particularly those in companies where the CEO is male and is himself from a sales background. Seldom practiced by female executives, who tend to be not so insecure, immature, and boorish.

I sat in on the midyear sales meeting to catch up on the 2nd quarter results, but had to leave when the bullshit started to get too thick. I've never seen so many guys standing around and rauching each other in my entire life.

by sans culottes June 11, 2013