Source Code

Really good sit

A way to determine if a movie is good or not. Started by David Chen from /Film Cast

Sherlock Holmes is a really good sit

by Barratokuda November 13, 2014

whats really good

another pick up line a guy would use to get with a girl. A man saying "whats really good" to a girl he really means "whats really good between me and you".

Yo girl, whats really good?

by Alex Cruz March 13, 2004

99👍 48👎

Whats Really Good

Ok, for all that dont know...this doesnt mean "whats up" that would be "whats good" whats really good is reffering to a dude tryin to get a chicky..like some other dude defined it "a pick up line" so to speak...but its more like after youve met the chick and you dont wanna be pusst footin around shit...

"damn ma, i know we been kickin for a minute but whats really good with us shorty?"

by yoU ALreadY kNOw April 29, 2004

176👍 92👎

She’s really good

what the loud bitch from Camp rock said in one scene.

Allyson stoner plays the keyboard weird: SHE’S REALLY GOOD.

by Dripsdownmy-1743 April 30, 2022

That’s a really good question

Something I say a lot when I don’t know the answer to a question.

Person: what’s your favorite color
Me: that’s a really good question

by Hbfggsz October 11, 2023

wat's really good

a way of saying how yah doing

wats really good ma

by thekid October 21, 2003

24👍 11👎

really good friend

He likes you but he wont ask you out cause hes scared you dont like him

No i dont like you but your a really good friend

by Morganthefish March 9, 2017

21👍 8👎