1)Devotion to and observance of ANY metaphysical belief system
2)serious commitment to something besides metaphysics -- NOTE: religion does not include just Christianity, yet so many people take the subject too personally and too many above posts seem to refer directly (and usually vehemently) to Christianity...makes you think about so-called "free thinkers" who think they're so smart yet seem to be unable to provide correct and objective definitions of "religion".
Confused individuals use religion for suppression and bigotry.
he doesn't believe in God; science is his religion.
Jesus loves you...admit it.
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Something cowards try and avoid because it often seems too much of a burden.
Religion is the systematic approach to participation in the "anti-fall".
It's our means of curing a world laced with death.
Man up and stop complaining about past evils committed under the umbrella of religion. I'm sick of cheap excuses to abandon it. Good religion is the only thing that can unwind the misery of bad religion.
And drop the 'religion is a delusion/lie' mantra. One could flinch at the thought of such frivolous naivety. Dim, inarticulate notions of truth and reality quail before the stark actuality that religion burns with.
Religion is the lifeblood that continues to carry oxygen to this broken world. But this blood also carries a toxin called human depravity.
You don't get the venom out of a man's bloodstream by cutting out his heart; you get it out by giving him the antidote.
Manβs chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.
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Something that stupid atheists keep bitching about. They say it has killed more people than anything else but when you mention communism and fascism (which were historically proven to be satheist ideologies!) killed over 100 million people in the 20th century alone which is more than what christianity and islam have done combined, they stop talking ot copme up with lame excuses.
Stupid Atheist: religion is evil! it kills people!
Smart religious guy: what about communism? it killed way more than religion.
Stupid atheist" (silence)
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Depending who you talk to, a root of a great deal of evil or a great deal of good. Often seen as "the biggest unnatural cause of death in history" though more often than not is only used as an excuse for wars that are actually about other things - such as resources, territory, or pre-existing ethnic differences or political grievances.. unfortunately the majority are judged by the fact that the minority that twist it for their own purposes happen to be in positions of power. A definition would be a set of beliefs and/or practices that a follower of the religion adheres to, and sees as "truths". Common to most religions is the "Golden Rule" - do to others what you'd have done to yourself - unfortunately, not many "religious" people practice it
Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, Iraq, the majority of conflicts since the Crusades - Wars perceived as being for "religious" reasons when the truth is very different, the two sides just happen to be of different religions.
The Crusades - wars fought misguidedly for "Religious" reasons.
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A system whereby people look to supernatural forces or entities for guidance, protection, power, knowledge, etc.
Ideally, religion should be about soul-searching, personal betterment, open inquiry, honesty, community, compassion, and striving towards a higher plane of existence. Regrettably, throughout history religions have been created/perverted by the societal elite to maintain their power and oppress others. Unfortunately, it is because of such sins of the past (and present; see televangelist, religious right, gaybashing) that have contributed to a global increase of people unwilling to accept any kind of religion.
Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, tribal shamanism, Zoroastrianism, Vodun (Voodoo), Mormonism, etc.
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The biggest lie in human history. It has been responsible for more deaths throughout human history than all other unnatural causes combined. For a thousand years the Church was a tyrannical dictatorship that used religion to control the uneducated masses. Free your minds and come into the 21st century
"Religion is the child of Ignorance and Fear"
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Religion is an instituition that focuses around the belief of a higher being
NOTE: Why the hell is here only insults to religion? This is a DICTIONARY, people are supposed to give a description of what religion is! A goddamn instituition that focuses around the belief of a higher being! THAT'S IT.
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