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blame shifting reprobate

person that vigorously evades person responsibility for their action.

after calling Sandra Fluke a "slut" and "prostitute" and asking for sex video to be posted online. Rush Limbaugh claims he acted like a Democrat, that's what a blame shifting reprobate would do

by chicagotom4099 June 11, 2012

4👍 35👎

blame shifting reprobate

some one who blames others with out regard for fact.

only a blame shifting reprobate would try to claim the job losses from the 2008 Janesville, Wisconsin GM plant were Barack Obama's fault.

by tom_4099 September 1, 2012

2👍 35👎


any unmarried, fornicating, unruly hourly or salaried non-manager unionized and non-unionized employee who is not in complete control of their emotions - who has to ask for permission from a manager, boss, parents, or any person who is in charge of them - to do anything that they want to do because they haven't been trusted to manage all of their own affairs without the input of another adult who has been deemed more responsible and more capable of running their own life

this person runs the risk of quitting, being impulsive, they are easily manipulated, they are a bad judge of character, they don't know who is genuine and who is a liar, they lack control, they are hasty, they lack self-control, and they are prone to having huge lapses in judgment

generally oblivious, infantile, spoiled, uncouth, and insignificant (in the eyes of the ruling class) bits of humanity who are prone to never apologizing, twisting an apology to make the other person at fault or naturally defective (they say shit like "don't worry about it - it's not your fault") in some way, abusive, fighting, arguing, disrespectful, road rage, being abandoned, fornicating, being physically or sexually abused, neglectful, making children out of wedlock, and all kinds of other types of unseemly behaviors

"Sindy is a huge reprobate"

by Vita Smart July 18, 2022


a person who does not care about the label, the designation, the classification that the powers that be have placed on them restricting their movement and restricting their ability to effectively self-govern, they are often blithely unaware of their caste and they don't seek answers much less try to improve their situation or the situation of their own people

one who does not understand their place, does not know their own place, and who doesn't care about their place and the fact that someone else is dictating that to them and they are not the one who is in control of that designation

their idea of coming up is to make more money, to make the powers that be hear them, see them, respect them which will never happen, or to try to "marry up" based on income or skin color

"A reprobate is an fake imbecile because they decide not to do anything about their situation. In all reality they are simply lazy. Many of them end up as inmates in someone's prison. They don't know. They didn't care to find out."

by Vita Smart July 18, 2022