The time of day in which all men must respect at least one woman.
Time 2pm-4pm
what time is it Tayquan?
It’s respect women hours.
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Juice that makes you respect women.
Golly gee Billy! How come you respect women so much?
Well Bernard, I drink a lot of respect women juice!
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A holiday to be observed 365 days a year because all women deserve respect
Be nice , it’s respect women day
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A day dedicated to giving women the respect they deserve. Nationally observed on April 18th.
Person 1: Hey man, do you see that chick over there? She's thicc as hell!
Person 2: Nah, it's National Respect Women Day. We gotta give her respect.
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Throughout Any week it is now—
!National Respect Women Week!
Men, have made multiple days into holidays where they believe they can do inappropriate acts to women.
For Example—
“National Sucks Dick Day”
Someone believed they could make June 24th into a national day dedicated to sucking men’s dicks.
“National Send Nudes Day”
Someone believes they can make EVERYDAY into a day where women send nudes.
“National Grab Ass Day”
Someone believes they can also make EVERYDAY into a day where they can grab a girls ass and expect them to not be mad about it.
“National Eat Pussy Day”
Again on June 24th someone believes they can make a day to eat out girl.
“National Kiss Your Crush Day”
Someone believed that since they made a post on Urban dictionary they can give everyone permission to kiss their crush without consent on October 22nd.
Of Course Woman made some of these too, but the most LIKED, the most VIEWED, were made by men thirds women.
On this week, or any week you choose, OR ANY/EVERY DAY, disrespect men like they disrespect you.
If a man touches you in a way you don’t like and a way that put disrespect towards you, Do It Back!
Women deserve respect ✊
The beings who give birth ✊
The beings who hold a person inside of them for nine months ✊
The beings who bleed for a week every month ✊
Respect Women ✊
National Respect Women Week
And week you choose
Or and day
Or every day
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something more men should have towards women.
I think that boy should some respect towards women...
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Not to be confused for the similar sounding wahmen respector.
The women respecter is a man who cannot choose between 1 simple body part of the anime waifu to idolize. But instead, he chooses to be loving to every aspect of his/her waifu, including Thicc Thighs, Anime Tiddies, AND Big Butts.
Truly a man of many cultures.
One such example may be someone whose name starts with possibly a "P" or an "S", and ends with an "N".
Ammy: So, what part of the anime waifu is your favorite?
Kat: Me? I prefer my Thicc Thighs.
Martin: Breasts all the way.
Syd: Butts for me.
Phonto: I'm not so good with favorites. I'd have to say I love all three equally.
Everyone else: Wow. What a Women Respecter.
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