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Return to monke

To devolve back into monkeys by rejecting modernity and embracing a primitive lifestyle.

"Reject modernity, return to monke"

by TheDeadMeme27 October 19, 2020

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rank return

Returning something that was left at your house by first having a bowel movement in it and then throwing it at the door of the owner's house.

I found your missing glove on my couch so I rank returned it.

by brewster726 March 25, 2013

Return to Forever

An amazing boundary-pushing, genre-breaking band that emerged in the 70's and currently(2010) consists of Chick Corea on keys, Stanley Clarke on the low ends, Al Di Meola on the axes, and Lenny White on the Percussion. They are considered a super group and are an influence of many popular artists of today, in all spectrums of music.

Return to Forever is LEGENDARY

by Leif eryksson November 25, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

point of no return

1. A point that will eliminate all odds of you turning back once you cross it.

2. A phrase that will yeet a centillion sexual definitions at you if you even dare to look it up on Urban Dictionary out of curiosity.

So yeah... You've ran across the rare definition of this word that isn't unnecessarily sexualized.

1. An example of a point of no return is a black hole's Event Horizon. Once you cross it, it's over for you.

2. Humanity will go extinct by the time I find a non-sexual definition on "point of no return" in this place called urban dictionary.

by Silicosis9324 April 29, 2022

33๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

return the flavor

To reciprocate the giving of an item or action of a "sweet", "dope", etc or enjoyable quality (flavor).

Thanks for that sick cd, I'll return the flavor when I see you in a couple weeks.

Man, thanks for letting me in on that dank. But don't worry, I'll return the flavor soon enough.

by Little Bhask November 2, 2009

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Return To Monke

A meme where a man/girl says "REJECT HUMANITY , RETURN TO MONKE" *Turns into monke *After that they Make monkey noises like "OOO OOO AAA AAA OOO AAA OOO AAA AAA" And so on, After some Minutes Or seconds they stop and keep doing their thing. This meme will never die.

Guy: *Turns into monke*

by Ea sports sucks December 30, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

point of no return

when someone is so close to orgasm that he or she cannot stop having sex/masturbating, regardless of the circumstances

"I heard my roommate coming up the stairs, but I was already at the point of no return so he opened the door just in time to see me blow my load all over my desk."

by kotero January 13, 2007

2631๐Ÿ‘ 517๐Ÿ‘Ž