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1) To defeat soundly.

2) A sound defeat.

1) Unfortunately, we were nonetheless routed in the championship game by Wortsford.

2) The game wasn't anywhere near close; we won by so much that even calling it a rout would be generous.

by Diggity Monkeez March 3, 2005

32๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

On route

Getting the drugs ..illegal money

Mom:Dj where are you?
Dj:Iโ€™m on route !

by Iโ€™m on route June 30, 2019


Routed adj. - A word used to describe the initial transition of a persons state of mind and body to another more relaxed state, as a direct result of injestion of any substance into the body.

After a long day at work Bill says to Joe " Want to get routed after work? I got a little. "

by CongaChild June 15, 2010

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


to leave a place and travel to another one, typically by using public transport.

adam: i'm routing rn

by dankk4 November 17, 2017

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


To route:
A walk through your hometown, (often partnered up with a fellow router) while routing (walking) you often interact with nature in autistic ways, that "normal" people will be tempted to stop and admire. A route often has a secret target or goal, it could be anything but usually the goal is a local supermarked, where you can stock up on your goods.
You will normally see a pair of active routers during the daytime.

The four-wheeled route (explained): The four-wheeled route is roughly the same as a route although, a four-wheeled route will require a drivers license and a ROUTERS-CLUB membership.
A four-wheeled route dosen't limit you, like a normal "route"; instead its only your imagination that sets the limits for this kind of route.
You will normally see a pair of active four-wheeled routers at midnight.

1. Route?
2. Yes.
2. Four-wheeled?
1. No
2. Oh:(
1. NVM, four-wheeled route is now possible
2. Amazing

by Bertman7 March 14, 2023

Route, The

The official term used to describe the invasive and harassing act of planning a defined series of checkpoints to discretely obtain the whereabouts of particular individuals.

Heather: I am bored, lets find out what those guys are doing?

Kate: *breathing heavily*. Lets Do the Route!! Joe's house first. *breathing continues, heavily*

by foug January 11, 2005

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


To leave quickly, or to run away.

When the cops raided the keg everyone routed.

by brian. November 7, 2007

49๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž