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by justusspence February 4, 2020


Normally refered to as Westies, these are found in suburbs all over Australia, particularly Mt Druitt, Tregear and Lethbridge Park in Sydney to name a few places. Bogans tend to dominate government housing estates or crappy government homes as they normally have no money and are cheating the Australian welfare system, by having fake workers comp claims and or many kids to different wives/husbands.The male of the species normally grows a mullet smokes winfield blue and drinks vb and dons a flanalette shirt normally a red tartan unbuttoned a blue singlet and tight black jeans, while congregating around a 44 gallon drum with other males of the species and burns used matresses and old palm fronds from the Date palm trees that have scattered through his yard whilst discussing football or cricket (season depending) and previous roots and other random bullshit. The normally own old Ford XH falcons or VK commodores that have blownmotors and posess crappy steel spoilers home made and bolted on and a shitty sound sytems which normally blares barnsey or bon jovi.

The female of the species is just as bad but normally dresses in a lo cut top exposing A cup tits. Has a shrill voice and is missin her 2 front teeth from fighting her ex bogan husbands, they can be found congregating with the male of the species normally at the "pub", but is normally found screaming and flogging her 8 children in the local westfields.

"Yo fuck me there burning matresses again with palm fronds"

"Yea, its the ritual around here in tregear"


by Mtdruitt bogan November 15, 2007

36πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


to run or get away really fast.

"Shit dem guys r gonna batter the fuck outta us we better s!"

"damn the police jus saw ur zoot lets s outta here!2

by nitrousoxide February 10, 2004

19πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž




by Cav Is a Gay Prick July 10, 2019

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


It's short for the Spanish word for "Gangster" (can’t recall the word, but I starts with an S). However, it sounds like "ese" when pronounced. Same thing if you said "G". This means "What's up G" and "What's up S (ese)" both mean the same thing, namely, β€œWhat's up gangster”.

Homie 1: What's up S (ese)?
Homie 2: Nothing G.

by bobie August 20, 2005

14πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


security on the block

Man, we gonna have to control this block, I need some peeps up on "s" to watch out for the poleece.

by JayByrd July 3, 2006

11πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A suffix used to shorten words: probs, totes, supes, prets -- that is, probably, totally, super, and pretty

doo: stop saying prets
me: probs not, I supes love saying prets

by roxuay September 15, 2017

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž