City where the most alcohol is consumed in northern California. City where the weekend starts on Wednesday. Only city in california where everyone eats out for every meal.
Does anyone do anything other than drink in Sacramento?
331π 209π
The Capital of California which has no cows (not a cow town) and two rivers. The kids pass time by getting high and wasted. The city is located in Northern California and is honestly better than L.A. because there is less racial tention, less traffic, better air quality and the people are more down to earth. Sacramento is NOT part of the Bay Area and we are GLAD. Sac is a chill place to grow up but once you graduate its time to get out. Sacramento has a lot of trees and is a very beautiful city from above cause all you see is different shades of green. Don't judge the town from what you hear. Leave the talkin' for the kids from Sac.
Sacramento for life.
97π 56π
In contrast to all of the negative hype regarding Sac, Sacramento is NOT small, ethnically and culturally restricted, full of only state government workers (although it IS the state capital, what do you expect??), absent of any "real" ghettos (just visit South Sac or Oak Park), or devoid of any "real" affluent areas ($5 million+ for homes in Fab 40s, downtown and Greenhaven). The downtown area is fucking crazy right now with all the redevelopment geared towards new lofts/housing, new bars/clubs (Empire, The Park), new offices (that are not government-related I might add), etc.
Sacramento is only boring to people who don't leave their fucking houses to actually experience what the hell's going on. And no, there's not only drinking and "lame-ass" bars to go to. There's second Saturday art walks downtown, Lipstick for those in the indie/underground music scene, AWESOME live shows at the Memorial and Crest, Taco Tuesdays!, not to mention Friday night in Chavez Park during the summer (Deftones played a free show there last summer). The suburbs suck ass where there's not much to do, but even in light of that there are still hella chill places to frequent in small pockets all over town (Shakers in Citrus Heights, Stingers in Arden, Stockman's in Fair Oaks, Brickworks in Oak Park, etc.). The music scene is kick-ass with all of the great local bands and hip-hop artists as well as major and indie label musicians that creep through town.
In spite of popular opinion, the only university in town, CSUS, is NOT inferior to UC Davis (sorry, we don't have drunken sorority sluts that like to show their shit off on MTV). This school just happens to actually be affordable to those of us who aren't dependent on our parent's money to pay for a higher education. UC Davis is only cool if you're studying science or fucking cows. For every other field that's actually applicable to the workforce CSUS is a MUCH better and relevant school.
The weather is ridiculous if you're not used to valley weather because you've never lived there. No it doesn't snow, why the fuck would it when it's based in the valley?! The weather's pretty decent most of the year (it is in Cali afterall), but July and August are ridiculous b/c it gets over 100 and January and February are pretty cold, but not that cold in comparison to the rest of the world (it doesn't even drop below 30!).
Sacramento's HELLA cool if anyone bothered to chill for more than a minute (and no I'm not a teenager, everyone uses this fucking word).
258π 175π
A place where there is always something to do at night and anyone that thinks any different either doesnt go outside or is blind and deaf............has no problem with L.A., SF, Oakland, any other city in CA because we all californians...........lived here for 15 years and have never seen a cow in the city just in suburbs.......unlike many people think most people here dont work for the government............we supply L.A. with its water so they dont have much to bitch about
Sacramento isnt boring nor is it a ghost town wit a whole bunch of cows..............
77π 52π
A city in northern California that all residents are brainwashed to think is the greatest Utopian paradise in the universe, but is really a boring city with nothing to do and no real economy besides the government. Anybody who has actually lived in a real, exciting, cultured city can't understand this mentality and can't get out of there fast enough.
Person 1: I'm from Paris.
Person 2: I'm from New York.
Person 3: I'm from San Francisco.
Person 4: I'm from Tokyo.
Person 5: I'm from Sacramento, which is just as large and great of a city as all of those and has just as much to do. Please take a pamphlet about my city and also have some kool-aid.
Person 1: I'm going to Detroit this weekend.
Person 2: Yuck, at least it's not Sacramento.
15π 7π
As a native of Sactown I want to clear up a couple of things. It is the Capital of California, the Governator isn't really doin a bad job, neither Sac State or UC Davis is that tight, we do say hella, there is just as much diversity and things to do as any city so it's fun but average, tahoe is close, everyone rides some type of board, and we are not, I repeat, not part of the bay (but mac dre and nickatina both rep it), and we have some dank as bud. just stop hatin cuz we supply the rest of the state with clean we up on all of you
sacramento as referred to by mac and nicki "niggas can't fuck wit dre and mac, we put the thang down from da bay to sac"
98π 71π
A terrible place to live.
and here is why:
1. Downtown sucks my ass
2. Our homeless problem has spread to our suburbs and is swiftly becoming a national joke
3. We have a Triple-A baseball team whose mascot is called "dinger."
4. Our NBA franchise, our lone major sports team, can't win the big one, has seen its' best years pass it by, and is itching to move to Las Vegas.
5. There are no real restaurants anywhere within 100 miles of here.
6. Our idea of a landmark is the downtown bridge. Gorgeous.
7. When people ask for recommendations of things to do in Sacramento, there are only two possible answers:
1. Long pause, followed by "See the capitol building!"
2. Tell them to keep driving until they get to San Francisco
8. We host the State Fair⦠a haven for hill people and white trash
9. Frisbee golf is considered acceptable recreation here.
10. The biggest sports debate in this town is which of the football teams, located 100 miles away from here, is your favorite.
11. Our fans at basketball games ring cow bells.
12. There is no freeway linking the two fastest growing counties (el Dorado and Placer). There are no plans for such a freeway. The roads that do connect the two (Sunrise and Hazel) are ALWAYS under construction.
13. The only time our city makes national news, it's negative. Think "Fire Department scandal."
14. Our idea of "great shopping," is a strip mall that has a "Barnes and Knoble," AND an "Old Navy." Classy.
15. We are surrounded by such lovely smaller cities as Lodi, Stockton, Modesto, Fairfield and Vacaville.
16. Our city's slogan is the "City of Trees." Not the city of lights, city by the bay or city that never sleepsβ¦the city of trees. Wow, how utterly horticultural.
17. Most people move to California for the scenery, weather, culture, leisure activities and mind-set. We have none of that. People began the influx into Sacramento 10 years for one reason; it was cheap. Now we don't even have that.
18. Our city's nicknames are queer. Los Angeles is the "city of angels" (the only people in the nation that call it "la-la land" are jealous people from northern California). New Orleans is "the big easy." Chicago is "chi(shy)-town." What are we? "Sac"... you know, as in "ball sack."
19. Our second greatest landmark, after the bridge, is the river. The brown, disgusting river that homeless guys defecate in daily.
20. Of all of the major metropolitan areas in America, we have, hands down, the worst, most pathetic, most embarrassing airport in the nation. I will cede that it is trying to catch up now, but it has a long way to go.
21. We actually set up a tennis stadium in a mall parking lot... and we think it's perfectly ok to do so.
22. Actor Timothy Busfield is our most famous hometown celebrity.
23. Our official city flower is the "oleander."
24. People here think Granite Bay is where the rich and powerful live. Have you EVER been to Beverly Hills, La Jolla, Sausalito, or Long Island?
25. Our biggest agricultural claim to fame isβ¦rice. Yes, flooded fields of rice.
26. Our zoo is crappy. It takes 37 minutes to walk the entire thing.
27. The only place to get a great steak in this town is at a chain restaurant.
28. Our hotels are horrible
29. the people here are terrible, bitchy people.
30. when returning to sacramento from a trip, you get the feeling of bitchyness while entering the city.
"Have you ever been to sacramento?"
"ya, i would rather live in hell!"
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