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Easiest province to draw, beautiful skies, hundreds of lakes and hills (contrary to popular belief), and a fabulous music scene. Unfortunately, it is a place where many good people leave, making former Saskatchwan residences known throughout Canada (especially Vancouver) as incredibly talented and hard working people. But consequently, they are leaving the province to fester with age and incompetence. It is an incredibly beautiful and peaceful place to be from, though most people simply pass through on the highway, which is a lame-ass way to see somewhere. If you are awsome, please stop leaving Saskatchewan because a province can't be run by aging farmers. Look at Alberta.

Albertan: "You must be a communist, eh?"
Saskatchwanian: "Nope, just a socialist."
Albertan: "Is that anything like a capitalist? Cuz I'm one of those."
Ontarian: "Ooo, ooo! Me too! Me too!"
Saskatchewanian: "Uh, you guys are weird. I'm moving to Vancouver."

by Salty Prairie Girl September 8, 2005

291๐Ÿ‘ 117๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place used by TV shows when they want to name place that no one can find on a map.

It's actually just a retangle in the middle of Canada where farmers grow grain.

Tourists: Can you tell us where we are?
SaskPerson: You're is SASK-AT-CHE-WAN!
Tourists: Honey, they don't speak English here?

by Joe Shork May 8, 2005

239๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


canadian province that no one can spell. flat expanses of praries, home to canada's best football fans. the capital city of regina rhymes with fun (pronounced like vagina). the brithplace of modern canada back in the '50s, when tommy douglas set up the liberal reforms that now guide the nation.

saskatchewan is way out there.

by Provincial Mood December 14, 2007

75๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you don't live here its very likely you don't know of its existence. known for being the Alabama/ Texas of Canada And home to some of the best drinkers and drivers out there.

person 1: "Hey what's Saskatchewan"?
person2: "I don't know"

by lil Bodis December 23, 2020


Saskatchewan is a province in Canada. It's basically Kansas but for Canada. It's full of rednecks, old white men, and sucky sports teams. It's also just a fucking rectangle.

person A: wow, Kansas is as flat as a pancake.
person B: you haven't been to Saskatchewan, son.

by brokenfictions November 27, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Saskatchewan is a beautiful province where half of it is beautiful praries and the other half is magnificeint forests and lakes. Saskatchewan is also the birth place of free medi-care. Unfortunately it takes years to get this "free medicare" now. Also every one leaves because there is no jobs here. Saskatchewan's phone, electrical, heating... are all controlled by the goverment. ON the plus side Saskatchewan has the worlds best uranium. lots of oil and endless other natural resources. On the down side most of those resources are sitting in the ground not being turned into a profit

Spud Co. was the stupidest goverment idea ever in the history of Saskatchewan.

by SaskatchewanSaskatchewan April 1, 2006

68๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


When men in hotels are identified by hookers only by the province from which they hail, they are getting geographically boned.

Hotel clerk: "Do you know the name of the guest you're meeting."
Hooker: "No, I only just met him. He's from Saskatchewan."

Hotel clerk to other hotel clerks: "That chick is a hooker, and that guy is totally getting Saskatchewaned later."

by Kelzor the Destroyer of Gnomes July 28, 2008

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