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Saxaphone Player

BTS Namjoon once misheard BTS Taehyung say that he wants to be a saxaphone player if he wasn’t in BTS and heard that he wants to be a sexy porn star

“And I’m sexy like a porn star” “and I’m a saxaphone player

by Namjoons legs are my kink July 20, 2018

brass saxaphone

eating someone's ass while you jerk their cock kind of like blowing their ass and stroking them

I was eating Daves ass and stroking his cock at the same time it was like playing a brass saxaphone

by freaking HUGE dave May 18, 2007

20👍 10👎

alto saxaphone

One of several instruments in the saxaphone family. The saxaphone is often confused with the saxophone, a wind instrument invented by Adolphe Sax in 1840. Saxaphone is a word used by uneducated simpletons that need to spend more time near a dictionary and less time trying to associate themselves with the many facets of coolness offered by the saxophone and legitimate saxophone players world-wide.

For sale: one used saxaphone. I'm not sure if it's a tenor or alto, I'm not a musician.

by Paulie C May 3, 2005

30👍 20👎


Dirty saxaphone-...
When a woman has her toung in a males ass and her hand flutters the nut SAX.

He liked the way she played the dirty saxaphone!.(dirty -saxaphone) dirty-saxaphone

by Yrralessof October 28, 2018

saxaphone penis

(n) male sex organ which has become deformed into a shape resembling that of a saxaphone due to habitually jerking off.

The urban dictionary editor developed saxaphone penis from pounding his tool 13 times a day.

by scut monkey August 11, 2009

19👍 18👎


The saxaphone, a family of instruments containing the alto saxaphone and others. It is most accuratly defined as a loud car horn that will produce multiple pitches. Some people believe that this family of instruments is capable of playing music, but anyone who has ever heard the terrible instrument will tend to disagree with that.

It is a noun, and often abriviated as the "sax."

Quit honkin' that saxaphone youngster! I was tryin' to get me some sleep!

by Konrad July 28, 2004

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Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone

A meaningless term, normally used by morons, idiots, dimwits and dorks, to refer to Anglo-Saxons, revealing a lack of intelligence and mental creativity in the person who says it. Initially used as a term in the mid to late 1980s by Kempke when his English teacher was discussing Anglo-Saxons, wherefor he turned to Skoudas and said laughingly, "Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone! Anglo-Saxon Saxaphone!"

Kempke, laughing, and with a red face, turned his half-hearted attention away from the teacher to face Skuodas and in a hardly concealed voice, whispered loudly, "Anglo-Saxon saxaphone! Anglo-Saxon saxaphone!"

by P'tainz October 6, 2010

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