Otherwise known as FSL. A shitty secondary school in Lisburn in Northern Ireland. Everyone thinks it's full of stuck up posh twats but its far from that. Run by a nonce called steven who rides his bike to school like he's Lewis fucking Hamilton.
'Oh, you're from Friends' School Lisburn? Fuck off you posh cunt!'
30๐ 3๐
a private quaker school with too many stupid rules and meeting for worships. the majority of the boys are collar popping tools who desparatley need to grow up. there are a few snobby rich bitches and a few weirdos, but most of the girls are above average. theres a lot of oppinion board controversy and an extreme lack of hook ups due 2 the fact that we've all known eachother far 2 long. most of the time u just feel like uve been there too long
my parents are against war so i attend wilmington friends
125๐ 52๐
An increasingly preppy, but historically liberal friends school. Don't step foot on campus if you are republican. Be prepaired to call the teachers by their first names, sit in an empty room for 50 minutes a week, get to school early so you can park you new car in one of 5 student parking spots and work your ass off so that you can go to a good university.
Kid one: Who did your parents vote for, Bush or Kerry?
Kid two: haha, haven't you seen the Kerry sticker on the new BMW? Besides you know my entire family campaigned for him!
285๐ 138๐
adjective used to describe someone who is a fuckin idiot.
hey shut up u are literally a moorestown friends school.
7๐ 1๐
A private Quaker school that consists of shitbrains, lazy-ass, full of themselves, cocky, unoriginal, ass-ugly, trashy, tacky, past their glory days, and embarrassments to the high level of education...oh wait, that's just '09...
"so where are the lolcatz?" "up your asshole"
"oh so who's racing friday at 3 pm?" "no one's insecure and needs to prove themselves"
"so who's suspended this week?" "the remaining students were raised to have good judgement"
"where are the jabbaweezzys?" "we don't need a mask to be ourselves"
"where are the gold fish in the toilets?" "you killed them, Dipshits"
"is there a disco party in the cafeteria?" " a cry for attention- notice how no one wanted to join you"
"yo man party this weekend?" "just because you weren't invited since you're not in high school doesn't mean there wasn't one"
"who's yelling butt sex?" "probably '09 girls since they are/were desperate to have their cherries popped"
"has anyone taken over the world lately?" " you never will with your lack of talent and common sense"
"is it hammertime?" " hammertime only existed in your conceited minds"
"are we allowed to sit on the stage this year?" "no one wants to look at girls that look like dogs and boys that look like trolls"
"why are all the teachers bored?" "they're not bored, they're relieved"
"what happened to wilmington friends school?" " it increased in intelligence and beauty because 09 is gone"
38๐ 33๐
Also known as Friends Fuckers, Wilmington Friends School is a private Quaker school with too many god awful meeting for worships. Everyone has known each other for too damn long so it's weird if you like someone. The staff is all snobby bitches who either don't care or care way too much. There's that one kid in each grade who's a stuck up rich-bitch who only cares about their bf's dick. The boys are obnoxious, loud, and annoying. The girls are basic and only care about themselves and their friends. The dress code is a whole other story but it sucks ass. There are stupid weekly meeting for worships where people fake cough, sneeze and clear their throat just for attention. Overall WFS sucks.
"We're all friends at Wilmington Friends School." - Dumb ass
3๐ 1๐
This is a "Quaker" school with way too many meeting for worships, where everyone fake coughs for attention. The teachers are god awful and the students aren't much better. All the guys are horny, collar popping dickheads who slut-shame, but in reality, they are man whores themselves. Their hobbies include staring at girls, sharing nudes, watching porn in class, bullying people they don't even know who could actually be good people, and making racist, sexist, and homophobic jokes. Some don't wash their hands after they use the bathroom. The girls are snobby, judgy, stuck-up, checkered van wearing, hoes. They are just basic, white bitches that obsess over boys and drink too much coffee. They like to make "tea" over things that don't even matter. There are also a bunch of weirdos and psychopaths that threaten to kill people on the daily. You cringe when you hear fragments of their conversations in the hallways. You try to avoid them, but it is inescapable if you hear them screaming from across the cafeteria over something stupid. Overall, Friends sucks.
"Everyone is friends at Wilmington Friends School!" -Dumbass
4๐ 2๐