Source Code


it's a website where loads of 9 year olds say things like "f4f bra" or "im reporting you 4 bein mean to me"
the actual website isn't bad, it's just the people who use it. people who use it are known as 'scratchers' and if you're a n00b then you're a 'new scratcher' if you manage to leave the site without being mentally scarred then I respect you.

Player 1: Hey! Did you hear of scratch.mit.edu?
Player 2: Don't talk about it. You'll never come out alive
Player 3: I heard...that the scratch team ban you for saying the word 'stupid'
Players 1 & 2 & 3: *shudders*

by Diavi January 1, 2017

45๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


A place where the moderation hates you because you don't want your projects stolen by some stupid little shit who can't code

"I don't want my projects remixed and I don't want my stuff backpacked and exported"
You have been permanently banned from scratch.mit.edu for refusing to accept our bullshit.

by logmega92 December 28, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


scratch.mit.edu is a kid's coding website where you drag blocks, like toddlers on their mom's iPad. Supposedly it's supposed to teach you to code, but most people end up as youtubers instead of gamedevs. People post wide-varaties of "projects" such as, games, animations, art, platformer games, platformer games, and platformer games. Scratch's community is quite concerning falling under these stereotypes, artists with no views, alphabet lore lovers, fnf enjoyers, simple animators getting 2 million views, furries, people that leave the website whole for TikTok, people who post tutorials on youtube that you get stuck on after 2 seconds, and the inactive people with random usernames like Ibuprofen. I would know as a person that regrets having a scratch account.

Meanwhile in the comments
Person A: Follow me pleaseeeeee
Person B: I already did before I left that website
Person C: Don't be so mean to him OwO *visible pain*
Person D: Stop Advertising Read The TOS scratch.mit.edu/terms_of_use/

by HolaSoyZenithx December 28, 2022

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A "coding" site for kids that is actually a sjw echo chamber. If you politely criticize the Black Lives Matter organization, you will get called ignorant, uneducated, racist, white supremacist, regardless of your race or level of education. If you say you don't support pride month, you'll get labeled as a homophobe and transphobe. If you are a conservative/trump supporter, you will get fried serverely. On top of that, in all 3 instances, you'll get banned.

Beware of this site. It doesn't actually promote coding. It's an echo chamber designed to promote their political cause.

anthony: i was just called a neo nazi on scratch.mit.edu since i was against defunding the police! not only that, but i was also banned!

josh: thats bc scratch is a sjw echo chamber site that doesnt actually care abt the well being of its users. lets cancel it!
anthony: great idea!

by dontworrykyoko October 30, 2020

9๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A site where you can code extremely easily, by connecting blocks, but most importantly, you can get banned on there very easily.
People can get banned for:
- Participating in the forums
- Saying "WTH"
- Mentioning other people
- Saying literally anything that can be took as offensive in any subtle way

User: This person hacked the database, please ban them!
Alert: You have been banned from scratch.mit.edu permanently for mentioning other Scratchers.

by Ondrashek06 October 15, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž


A slow coding website notoriously occupied by 6 years old.

Scratch.mit.edu is pretty useful, aside from the fact that it 1) can't handle a single MB and 2) is full of little kids, so literally no bad words or semi-mature content is allowed.

by idkwhatthefuckdoyouwantmetosay December 3, 2017

46๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A wannabe JavaScript that is made by MIT and has 99% of people in a "war" about spam which is actually like this:

1: This studio is spam
2: ZOMG UR BULLYING ME!!!!!!! THESE AES (spam studios) HELP PEOPLE!!!!!!!
1: No, you are being dumb
Scratch team: *bans #1 because they are right*
Seriously. It is stupid. plus, there are also the wannabe spammers and trolls who always say "this sux look at my project which is better." even though you actually made a good project and theirs is **** but you will be banned for having someone do this. I **** you not, this happens for NO reason. I swear if you go on there without punching your computer or being banned, I tip my hat to you.

bad annoying Scratch.mit.edu this is a bad website

by Leafeon470 March 15, 2014

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