A screech is what god and Elmo does when he’s mad. A Screach is a loud yell that someone does. Mostly god and Elmo, but sometimes shrek joins in.
Angel: we ran out of happiness for 2020
God: what
Angel: we ran out of happiness
Elmo (gods twin brother): SCREAACHHHH
Angel: what are they doing?
Angels 2: they’re screaching. Duh.
to utter a high shrill piercing cry : make an outcry usually in terror or pain. 2. : to make a shrill high-pitched sound resembling a screech. also : to move with such a sound. the car screeched to a stop.
he screached as he blocked the truth speakers
a loud hard cry usually out of rage
he screached as he blocked the truth speakers
A hybrid of the word Scare and Preaching: Threatening people with infernal damnation if they don't submit to a religion's set of rules or beliefs.
"Don't be blinded by those unbelievers, if you don't turn to Jesus you'll just be tortured in the pits of hell!"
"Who's that?"
"Oh, that's Eliza. She's just screaching."