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Alternate spelling for sexy

Damn that girl is seksy!

by twenty5 July 13, 2004

53👍 44👎


Refers to someone who is beyond the normal definition of sexy... Applies to females who meet the above statement.

Damn that Glendy is so seksi!!

by B-® October 19, 2010

63👍 53👎


Above and Beyond sexy. A drink mixed with vodka or other adult beverage. Not an energy drink. The only drink in the world with pearl powder in it....used for over 4000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine to promote skin clarity, a healthy glow with the power to promote a more youthful appearance.


by Ghengis600 January 21, 2013

16👍 12👎

Nex (neksi seksi)

Sexiest person i know.
Thats why he's also called neksi seksi (by me only)
also he goes by he/they or he/him i don't remember

"who's neksi seksi?"
" nex (neksi seksi) "
"omg that fine person over there?"

by palmss April 29, 2022

3👍 2👎

seksy meme squad

Seksy meme squad is a proffessional csgo team. it was founded by BenAffleck back in 1997. It has a large number of members (6 ppl) and also has a huge following (the members classmates).

If you don't respect the members they will send daddy shrek to either personaly curb stomp you or force you to watch five kwebbelkop videos.

Seksy meme squad is oftenly shorted with SMS. or as their ingame tag says, s m s.

Former players: GeT_RiGhT, Snax, allu, Olofmeister, Scream and kennys.

This shitpost took so long to make lmao

Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone Sms is the best team @everyone

I got into Seksy meme squad, get jealous streaks! -GeT_RiGhT

Seksy meme squad is better than our team. -Olofmeister

by Cory Baxter deserves a medal February 8, 2017

1👍 1👎


sexy but better.

person 1: Hey, that wood panelling in that house is so seksi I would totally buy it.
person 2: Goddamn, you're right. SO SEKSI! would nut for that architecture.

by coolswag&delicious April 22, 2021

sa snaží byť seksy

Veta, "snaží sa byť seksy" sa väčšinou spája s osobou, ktorá by najradšej kurvila 24/7 a prejebala celé sídlisko

A: "Škaredá kurva"

B: "Však ona sa snaží byť seksy"

A: "Nejako sa jej nedarí"

by K9_Kr October 3, 2020