The appeal of a shiksa. From an episode of Seinfeld where among other things, Elaine is concerned on how she attracts Jewish men. She also drives two to announce Judaism.
Elaine to rabbi-"Rabbi, what am I gonna do with my shiks-appeal?"
Rabbi-Oh, Elaine, that's just an urban legend like the Yeti or it's cousin, the sasquatch. Now, another interesting fact is that Rabbi are allowed to date!
48š 23š
A "shik-shert" is the female, non-Jewish soulmate of a Jewish person.
It is a portmanteau of Yiddish words "shiksa" meaning "non-jewish woman" and "bashert" meaning "destiny" (often used as slang for "soulmate").
I want to propose to my shik-shert, but I am afraid my bubbe will never speak to me again.
Shik for short. Hes a proteccter of his lil dragon. He will fucking destroy you if you hurt him. Hes slightly insane
Won-Shik will fucking perish you
1š 2š
Stroking my rooster with bread while chugging slurp juice and opening a chest and finding a scar while the strom is closing in and you see someone cranking 90s
Saad Ibn Abdelaziz Ibn Ali Ismael Shik Shak Shok Balla Thein Shawarma Wallad Bebsi Zyadeh Batata Bdoon Salata Ma3 Ganeenet Bebsi Bardeh Bdoon Thalj Wallak Hamodeh E6fi El Playstation A7san Ma Akaserha 3ala Rassak Hassa O Roo7 Engale3 Jahez 7allak Lal Nom Mohammad Abdallah
8š 24š
It is another way to saying an individual is shocked.
Iām shik shak shockered that he would even say that to her.
shik-shit but it has pepsi on it.
todays rain has shik lightning