the sound of a lazar being fired. the resultant beam and shock wave are known to cause massive property damage and vaporization of living organisms. anything in the vicinity of the lazar blast radius that have not been killed may be afflicted by permanent blindness, severe hearing loss, extensive internal bleeding, and widespread 3rd degree burns. when the whoop has been shooped, it is too late to insert and object (such as a taco) into the mouth of the lazar firer to induce a royal rainbow, and thus preventing utter annihilation by laser.
if you ever hear SHOOP DA WHOOP, just kiss your ass goodbye. it aint worth tryin.
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A word for describing something that could've been epic but instead fails miserably.
"That was definitely a Shoop da Whoops!"
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An internet meme involving a crazy "derp" face shouting "Ima firing ma lazor" followed by a huge blue laser coming out of its mouth with a sound of BLAAARRRGGGHHH.
A Shoop da whoop if a face saying "Ima firin ma lazor BBLLAARRGGHH"
21👍 8👎
Shoop Da Whoop is the realease of a high velocity particle beam from one's mouth. It is commonly called a "Lazor", but is not one, as a laser does not send things flying, as a Shoop Da Whoop does. The name, "Shoop Da Whoop" comes from the sound of the particle beam firing, Shoop, being a sudden intake of air, Da, being the actual firing, Whoop being another intake of air.
To fire the Shoop Da Whoop, it is necessary to open one's mouth to large size, so as to keep it from being incinerated or blown off one's face.
Man: I am randomly going to fire my lazor. (Shoop Da Whoop)
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When you fire you lazor lik........
Shoop Da Whoop...... -BLLLLLAAAAAARGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
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When people start making shoop words up on urban dictionary just for the hell of it.
"o dear some one has gone shoop da whoop OTT again making words with shit meanings on urban dictionary."
"Shoopaleyboop, shooped, shoopen das woopen"
12👍 32👎