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Skite may mean getting drunk (esp in NZ) but it also means to throw or squirt liquid:
Skyde, skyte, skite (v) = to splash or squirt liquid, to slip (as on ice).
Skide (v) = to slide
Shite (n) = Shit
See the online Scots Dictionary for any of these (or other) words:

The root of the word is northern European: O.N. skyt-, the stem of skjΓ³ta, to shoot, propel, dart, Norw. skyte , Dan. skyde, to shoot.

An event referred to as a "Skite Night" took place once a year among St Andrews University students in 1961. Informally organised - not an official student event. It was banned around 1961 or 1962 after the disorderly events caused local upset.

During a skite night the main activity was running around wildly throwing flour and water at each other. Naturally the streets became messed up. However, "Skite Night" must have been revived and still goes in St A see the third link above.

by peatinnfife October 13, 2009

14πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž


sperm, seamen, that comes out when you fuck a bitch

when i jack off skite comes out

by sean kelley May 20, 2008

12πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž


That guy who's constantly bugging you for a drink, food, or a couple bucks.

- J. Willington Wimpy: "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today".
- Jimmy the Skite in Patrick McCabe's *Butcher Boy*

by zudav September 12, 2007

6πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


The word is a combination of two words, so and excited.

I am so skited to be here!

by Stoink2 July 24, 2009

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


To be on a very high grade of marijuana, wasted as hell, not giving a shit about anything. Buzzed as hell.

"Damn dude, I'm skited after just one bowl of that fine shit".

by TKREED April 19, 2008

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The act of one removing his shirt during a drinking session and then fastening the shirt up at the collar with the shirt behind the body to form a cape.

"mate, get your skite-cape on"

"Last one to get their skite-cape on"

by Skitelover123 July 21, 2009

skite depression

skite depression is the fear after having a big boozing session, and being worried about what you have been doing, as presumbly you cant remember. and have feelings of embaressment, regret and generally wanting to find a large hole in the ground and throw yourself in head first.

e.g.skite depression is when you maybe kiss (or more) ho ho, an absolute stinker.
not remembering anything that happened the night before.
being publically inappropriate.
having a mare

by carlyrobo January 3, 2011

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž