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Skoda Walls

Skoda Walls occur when Wish Wall runs are under 10 minutes. It’s very common for 5 Skoda Walls to be completed as long as it takes 2 Reziyy Walls to be completed. Skoda Walls can heal the symptoms of Reziyy Walls within a day or 2 depending on how bad Reziyy Walls affected the person.

Riley wants to achieve #1 on xbox for Wish Walls, but in order to reach his goal he would have to stop doing Reziyy Walls and start doing Skoda Walls.

by Best Wish Waller in Town August 20, 2021

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Seth Skoda

1.) A popular Newgrounds and YouTube brand/musician that is known for shitposting, SEGA Genesis remixes, melodic trap/chillstep and affiliation with Zeitro.

Those Zeitrofied visualizers on Seth Skoda's YouTube channel really make the bass pop.

by Alphawolf27 September 9, 2021

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skoda boot

state of you, rotten , ugly

john has a head on him like a skoda boot

by skodaboot January 24, 2020

Skoda fabia

Pre pubescent man's car. Driven by wannabe boy racers who can't handle a real machine. Owners are too tight/skint to upgrade their car. Prone to mods falling off and silly whiny pathetic pop bangs

What is a skoda fabia

by All-knowing, all-seeing August 5, 2022

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