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Another word for smoke, or to smoke.

I would like to smeek a smake.

by FustKuck November 12, 2007

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When you are Very high

Dude oh my god I’m so smeeked

by Sharpshooter03 October 31, 2018


The name given to smegma when it is deposited onto teeth during oral sex.

I'm sick of this smeek shit!

I've been wiping this smeek off my teeth for weeks pal.

Give your teeth a wipe you smeeky bitch.

by CancunSteve June 7, 2017

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A smeek is a rare amazonian dwelling mammal that is a relative of the lemur family!
It is often aggressive when provoked and has venomous claws which it uses to defend itself. Recently there numbers have been dropping quickly due to continual deforestation in south america. It is a beloved creature which has captured the hearts of many people.

The smeek ran into the woods

by SOS (Save our Smeeks) October 6, 2006

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to smell really bad
orgins: a cross between smell and reek

Gosh have you smelt Ian, he smeeks like rotten eggs

by mega mo May 18, 2007

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A word created by 2 idiots from a small shit town that everyone finds irresistably cool.

smeek this or smeek that take your pick

by Jesussmeek March 17, 2003

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Smeek - (Noun) it was first adopted by the English language Jan. 7, 2000. It hasn’t been defined yet but it is prevalent among the extraterrestrial language. Forms: Verb- smeek; Adjective- smeekic; Adverb- smeekally.

β€œThe Smeek smeekally smeeked the Smeek with a smeekic Smeek”

by Radaghaz May 6, 2003

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