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A condescending snarky chuckle

I couldn't help but snarkle when he asked for a bite of my cookie.

by Trebendy February 28, 2015

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A mischievous individual who is most likely snarky and prone to making witty remarks; usually an affectionate term use to refer to friends who are like this.

My snarklings annoy the hell out of me but they're always supporting me in their strange, sarcastic ways.

by Alianora Cain July 21, 2017

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A dark Elmo committed to causing despair throughout the world. Often plays vicious pranks on children, like dumping small amounts of fine sand in their beds everyday.

"Hey Joe! Why did you soak all my clothes in cow blood?"
"It wasn't me bro! It was the Snarkle!"

Other common pranks include: putting salt in the sugar containers and vice-versa, eating all your cookies without your consent, tying you to your bed while you sleep, and putting anti-freeze in your drinks so you have violent seizures followed by paralysis and eventual kidney failure which almost always proves to be fatal as well as extremely painful.

by Cobra511 April 19, 2011

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To lick the man's boys while stroking the shaft thus giving the appearance that one is snorkeling.

The lady almost drowned while snarkling her man.

by Gasser December 26, 2014

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portmanteau word combining the attempt at finding a 'parking' space in San Francisco and 'snarling', hence snarkling. Everyone in the city knows the experience.

When I tried to get to your wedding I wound up snarkling for half an hour and then I gave up and came home and snarkled around my block until I double-parked and got a ticket!

by jak attak November 3, 2007

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the noise and action a small dog makes when it gets overexcited.It is caused by a collapsing windpipe.

When we came back from holidays the chihuahua was so excited he started snarkling

by Michael Siddle April 26, 2008

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To reach under you testicles, collect the sweat, then rub it in someones face.

It, so much fun to snarkle someone, who is acting like a dick.

That cheese smells like snarkle.

by Breezythebrees March 23, 2020

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