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social anxiety

Social anxiety is a psychiatric disorder that affects 13% of the population. It involves overwhelming anxiety and excessive self-consciousness in everyday social situations. People living with this condition have a persistent fear of being watched and criticized by others. They feel that others are constantly waiting for them to mess up, thus humiliating themselves by their own actions. It may interfere with their work, school, social life, and other activities. Social anxiety differs from shyness in that people with this disorder often avoid some social situations all-together. Physical symptoms of social anxiety include blushing, rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, muscle tension, shaky voice, and nausea.
(This information on Social Anxiety Disorder was obtained from www.wikipedia.com.)

A Day In The Life of a Person with Social Anxiety

Little Ed's teacher just informed his class they would have oral presentations due that Friday. This was on a Monday morning.The rest of the day Ed was shaking and cold, worring about Friday and having to give an oral speech to his classmates. All week he had been dreading this day, Friday. Friday had finally come and as Ed watched the others before him give their speeches, he was trembling and had muscle tension and nausea.When his turn came, his face turned bright red as he took center stage. All eyes were on him as he proceeded with his speech. All through the speech, his voice was shaky. Afterwards, everyone clapped and the teacher gave him praise. But, Little Ed couldn't stop worrying aout what everyone had thought of him when he had given his speech.

by xashleyx April 14, 2006

369πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž

social anxiety

It feels like being trapped under ice, screaming to get out. But no one can hear you.

" I was trying to give a speech today but I totally forgot what I was gonna say so I froze for 10 seconds and told the teacher I was sorry because I forgot what I was going to say "

" Someone tried to talk to me today, but my social anxiety made my heart beat really fast and I just nodded my head "

by burrowed under ground May 3, 2013

30πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Social Anxiety

Social Anxiety is the worst form of Mental Disorder, and no one can understand it, without having yet lived with it. Always feeling Humiliated, fear of humiliation, breaking out with sweats, and then feeling even more embarrassed of your sweat and feeling as if everyone is staring at it. It can be a snowball effect. We love to be alone because being alone means actually feeling relaxed, unwatched, and unjudged. It is a very sad thing to live with.

It is very hard for anyone with social anxiety to have any normal form of conversation. Over-examing the words and gestures that other people say or do, and eventually ending up feeling embarassed or humiliated for not saying the right thing, or the funny thing, or the cool thing. Our minds race and race and race all the time, every second of the day we are judging ourselves, trying to change ourselves, trying to relax ourselves, trying to understand ourselves, trying to label ourselves, and trying to understand where we fit in in this world. This is just a glimpse of what rollercoasters through our brain, constantly. Never rest. It is truly a terrible disorder.

We are cool people, we just cant HELP it.

A "normal" person may feel an incredible sadness when a loved one passes away, an intense fear when in a traffic Collision, or extreme nervousness when given a large responsibility.

Now, imagine all three (and more) of these feelings being combined and pounded into a single person every second of the day, every day of the year, and every year of their life. It is intense, but the person with social anxiety, must cope.

by InDyingClowns March 29, 2011

268πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Social Anxiety

characterized by extreme fear of social situations and fear of embarrassment

people who have this often want to do something with their lives, but dont do anything because they are to afraid to go outside. creates a painful mental cage. Groundwork for other illness like depression and addiction to mmorpg's

Cured by either taking in alot of drugs to numb the pain so you can force yourself to a bar..

or going to therapy for years spending countless amounts of money

goth: oh man my girlfriend just broke up with me!! my life sucks so bad imma gonna go cut myself and buy dark clothes!!

guy with Social anxiety: atleast you can get a girlfriend ><

by blardymcblarblar101 April 1, 2010

100πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Social Anxiety

It’s a shitty mental illness that can occur in different types, henceforth, different people might experience different symptoms. It’s basically getting very anxious in social situations.

Common symptoms:
Trembling/shaking uncontrollably
(Shaking will intensify when talking in front of people and especially people you don’t know too well.)

Sweating, stuttering

!! Important !!
Panic attacks usually don’t occur in persons with social anxiety.

β€œYou wanna go to my house later?”

*rejects because of social anxiety*

by frogsaresweet July 24, 2020

Social Anxiety

Afraid of people, beeing verry self-consciousness always feeling there's something wrong with you and that you're are watched by somebody all the time and you always fear that your peers will judge your actions. Living with social anxiety disorder sucks terribly!!! You want to do something but you can't.. you know that your fear is irational but you can't do nothing about it, something like a mental cage. SOCIAL ANXIETY SUCKS AND I HAVE THE WORST TYPE OF SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER! The one were you're afraid to go outside, talk to friends, strangers, talking on the phone and even chating with people online! How fucked up is that!?!?! ;( . And were not some crazy psychos! We're just normal people that want to do what normal people do, but we have a stupid mental disorder that makes us feel a completly irational fear that won't go away!.Most of the time we only remember the negative remarks that people said about us and usualy those toughts remain in our minds for weeks. We're not emos or goths!!! they don't have damn clue how it is to live with this shit. Social anxiety is like a fear and pain that won't go away!!NEVER!! And most people don't understand us! If you're a person that doesn't have Social Anxiety disorder, you're probably saying somethin like: ahahahaha what a sad fuck!! It's not like that!! We never wanted to have this stupid disorder. We feel lonely, isolated and barren inside :(

Gabriel only wanted to be like everyone else:
-to play sports such as football/basketball or any sport with a bunch of kids his age;
-to be just like everyone else and don't stand out in a crowd;
-to go to parties and have a good time with friends and meet new people;
-to graduate highschool;
Alas, he will never achive this things since he suffers from Social Anxiety Disorder and has isolated himself from his friends and the world for years ;(

by Gabriel. May 10, 2006

379πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

Social anxiety

When people fear social situations with strangers, People without it, don't understand it. Were not freaks or weirdos we're normal. I know i shouldn't be afraid of nothing but i am.

Social anxiety is when...You walk into a party, and you never make eye contact with anyone, you sit around by yourself and sweat non stop, then you sneak out the back door and go home.

by Dantheman31510 December 7, 2008

428πŸ‘ 143πŸ‘Ž