Source Code


To offer up solutions that bend the bounds of law but do not necessarily break them.

Riding on the berm during a traffic jam would be "getting solutional."

by thaweasy July 6, 2010

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The process of finding a solution to a problem.

Boss: "Stabbins, where are we on the proposal for the new clients software?"

Stabbins: "We are solutioning the proposal right now, we will have it done today."

by XJGPER April 24, 2006

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solution reach

A special kind of reach around lubricated with any bodily fluid (the solution) including, but not limited to, spit, snot, or fecal matter.

Jason: "Where is Matt?"
Ben: "I don't know, probably giving his buddy a solution reach."

by JoseValentino December 2, 2016

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Campus Solutions

Campus Solutions - A sorry excuse of a student record system used by the University of Nottingham. Unable to give you basic information about a student, almost like its creators want you to die.

Holy fucking shit not another SQL error message, Campus Solutions is crap. Who were the son of a bitches who thought purchasing this system was a good idea? Fuck the University of Nottingham.

by TheVC March 6, 2021

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yes solution

The optimistic version of saying no problem. This term was originally coined by Dylan Schwartz (CEO of Dylan Universe Comics, www.DylanUniverseComics.com)

"I'm sorry sir we can't do that right now because it's peak, but will at 9pm." "Ok, yes solution"
"Thank you." "Yes solution."

by MadDawgDylan October 10, 2019

Soapy solution

A graduated cylinder and/or beaker cleanser that is basically magic. The name says it all. It is a solution to anything. Get leftover experiment residue on your beaker? Soapy solution can fix that. Drop your beaker and it shatters? Soapy solution can fix that. Burn your beaker to smithereens? Soapy solution can fix that. Soapy solution is to be used responsibly. Using this great power any more than you have to, and soapy solutions can control your life. Soapy solution is a force to be reckoned with.

Ted dropped his glass beaker, but he wasn't worried, because he knew soapy solution could fix it.

by Lil’Fish March 13, 2015

Hemingway Solution

To commit suicide via shotgun blast administered beneath the chin or inside the mouth, as mentioned in Stephen King's novel Dreamcatcher. If the shotgun is particularly long the trigger is often pulled by a toe.

Damn it, why did he have to go and use the Hemingway Solution in my room? Now there's brain matter all over my ceiling.

The old guy in 'The Hills Have Eyes' used the Hemingway Solution.

by Shadowhunter_36 October 5, 2006

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