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Adj: What people on dating sites describe themselves as because they are afraid that nobody wants to marry an atheist.

Guy: So, do you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior and died on the cross to absolve you of all of your sins so that you don't burn in an eternal pit of hellfire for ever and ever and ever?
GirL Um... I'm spiritual.

by Nobody of Consequence February 7, 2005

267๐Ÿ‘ 145๐Ÿ‘Ž


A newer word used mostly on the internet to define someones religion. However, because some christians do not believe in religion, they view their personal relationship with Jesus Christ as spiritual.

Religion reminds me of a practice. I'd rather be more spiritual than a robot following the commands of Catholicism.

by Jake May 5, 2005

140๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Belief in the spirit, soul, often as it relates to religious, sacred, or otherwise noncorporeal matters. A little metaphysics and philosophy are peripherally related as well, as its purpose is to give us perspective on life and what to do with it.

2. The application of any sort of philosophy, however defined, regardless of whether the person in question has any spiritual beliefs or not. This use of the word is so vague that it can be redefined to mean anything, even something that is completely materialistic.

I'm sorry, "belief in the laws of science" is not spirituality. "Realising your own inner divinity" is not spirituality. "Being nice to people" is not spirituality. If you have no spiritual beliefs, you are not spiritual, simple as that.

Of course, one shouldn't be afraid to call oneself and atheist or agnostic. It doesn't mean you are shallow, immoral, closed-minded, intellectually dishonest, or anything of that sort.

by Killing Kittens November 17, 2005

128๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


People who still want the mental crutch of Religion, but want to be as vague as possible about it so its harder to argue with their bullshit. These people generally lack the ability to form coherent logical arguments, struggle to think carefully and deeply about subjects and don't like the rules and restrictions imposed by Religion. Their position is so vague as to become difficult to argue against, allowing them to not only benefit from the mental crutch that usually is attached to religion, but hold a smug air of superiority that will piss off any reasonable critical thinker no end.

Bill: "What do you believe in?"

Jill: "I'm spiritual."

Bill: "So what does that even mean? Do you believe in spirits? Religion? God? Faries? Science? How does spirituality even have an application in your life?"

Jill: "No, I don't believe in religions, look how harmful they are to the world, I am spiritual."

Bill: "So basically, you hiding behind a wall of vague bullshit and feeling comforted by your mental crutch?"

Jill: "Once you in touch with your spiritual side, you'll understand."

Bill: "Once you stop being vague and full of bullshit, we can actually have an intelligent discussion".

by Richard West August 21, 2009

337๐Ÿ‘ 283๐Ÿ‘Ž


Umbrella term for non-specific belief system held by people who like to re-interpret their intellectual undernourishment as meaning they are instead party to some special secret or higher knowledge, moral outlook, belief system or behaviour than other people en masse. Often found positioned very close in the psyche of such holders close to other faintly grasped terms like "enlightenment", "awareness", "ignorance", "confusion", "awakened" and "delusion" what makes such people so maddening is their collective conviction that they posses all these attributes in abundance, whilst in practice displaying considerably less of each than the self-same people they claim these qualities make them superior than.

So, what is your position on the Christians versus atheists debate?
Oh, I believe in spirituality

by Jonny Random June 30, 2011

45๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


My personal relationship with my Higher Power (in my case, God) and your personal relationship with your higher power, whatever or whoever that may be.

Though I'm not particularly "religious," my spirituality is growing by leaps and bounds.

by timmers22 October 29, 2014

17๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Spirituality is an Absolute Energy. It is the Primal Energy from whose reduced nature being projected into the Creation , the Creation was formed into regions we call Creation, or Life. Spirituality is Neutral in that it exists, but it can only be experienced by itself or A Soul that is an aspect of Spirituality. Spirituality, being Neutral, cannot manifest on any dimension other than its own. Spirituality is another name for Truth.

The goal of every Soul is to eventually find its way back to its Source, Spirituality. The MIND of Man, being composed of subtle energies of the Creation, is not itself composed of Spiritual Energy, and therefore, the MIND cannot perceive Spiritual Energy.

by esodoc January 25, 2013

19๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž