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Suck The Friken Sack !

Person 1) "Hey, you suck"

Person 2) " Bro, STFS"

by sofunnydefinitions April 14, 2010

21πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž



1. to tell (someone) to shut the f**k up.

Person 1: STFU!
Person 2: Don’t you dare STF me, idiot! STF YOU!!!

by Yamato Yamamoto February 18, 2022


adjective meaning "straight to fridge"; used to describe that something is so good, if it was a child's drawing, it would go straight to the fridge.

Bob: Did you see that triple back-flip Gary did today?
Bill: Yeah. It was awesome.
Bob: Yeah. Totally STF.

by That Blake Kid December 12, 2009

24πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


A hallowed secret place for dreams, devilry and dickslapping.

Powered by love.

"Those who know STF, ARE STF."

by wardy442 April 19, 2008

25πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž


When fellacio is performed to fruition instead of a warm up for sex.

Suck till finished

"Jordyn wanted to make her bf happy so she gave him an stf."

"I was having a bad day, so she gave me an stf."

by CommonPaine November 14, 2022


Swear To Fuck; to be used in place of swear to god - for people who do not believe in god; but believe in fucks.

"You better man up or I stf"

by CardPirate September 8, 2017


Stands for Shit Thats Funny. Replaces the older, tired phrase, lol.

Schaefnaa18: dude i kicked this kid in the balls today. he was crying and shit

Willmoney420: STF man

by Will $Β’haef November 20, 2004

27πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž