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big stinky poo head

A god teir roast

Your a big stinky poo head

by The great Jack Bridge III November 21, 2021

stinky poo poo head

a total piece of fucking shit

marcus: "yo look at that fucktard"

james: "yeah he a stinky poo poo head yo"

by Not a stinky poo poo head October 15, 2022

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poo poo stinky

Used as a swear word or sarcasm

Kid: broo I'm only losing because of my slow internet
You: awwww pOo PoO sTiNkY
*loses game*

by daddykelvin August 17, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most degrading comment one can receive to the highest degree. Describes someone who is being a knucklehead and an ignoramous at the same time.

Joe: The government is turning the frickin' frogs gay, bro!

Sean: You're being a real stinky-doo-doo-poo-poo-retard right now, "bro".

by LigmaDeezNutz July 30, 2018

poo poo stinky

adj. bad, embarassing. Used as a derogatory adjective to describe either an action, individual, or object

That is really poo poo stinky of him.

by weewoo04 April 29, 2022

Stinky Poo Butt

The most degrading, shameful, demeaning insult a 5 year old could call you on a school playground

"A child called me a Stinky Poo Butt, and I've been crying for weeks"

by Nothingness is in my brain March 21, 2023

Stinky poo

Stinky poo refers to a particular female named Dea whom has the inability to smell good.

I can't believe that stinky poo is sitting with us

by Hmmwhoisthis February 22, 2020