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Straight Edge

This covers a broad range of people, all of whom voluntarily choose not to take drugs, drink or engage in promiscuous sexual behavior. Other options include abstaining from caffeine, meat, etc. There are a few kinds of sXe'rs in my opinion.

1) Committed people honestly dedicated to keeping their body clean of all toxins for life. While I couldn't live your extremely pure lifestyle, I fully respect your choice to do so, more power to you.

2) Scenester kids who think because sXe is underground it automatically becomes "cool" and start wearing bandannas and the "X" on their hands. Even though I'm not sXe personally, speaking on behalf of friends who are, when you don't make a commitment to the philosophy, you just seem foolish.

3) Hardliners, the people who follow the philosophy to the letter, but more importantly will engage in mass ass-kicking of anyone who doesn't. Now, here's where my disagreement comes into play towards the hardliners. If you want to stay pure as possible, good for you, but for you to harass or assault anyone having a beer responsibly or eating a hamburger for pete's sake, you're a fucking idiot. Case closed.

4) Elitists, the people who honestly believe that because they are sXe, they are automatically better than people who aren't. Listen up elitist fools, (and especially the one who called me evil this past weekend for having 1 beer at a restaurant) whether you want to believe it or not, you're human just as we all are, and just because you keep yourself pure does NOT make you "better" than other people. Real sXe'rs dislike you because your high and mighty attitude discredits their philosophy, as well they should.

Real sXer: "I don't drink, smoke or take drugs."

Scenester: "sXe is cool, yeah!"

Hardliner: "How dare you drink a beer! I'll kick your ass!"

Elitist: "Being straight edge means I'm better than you!"

by NMMan February 19, 2007

114๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

Straight Edge

As said previously, this is an idea mainly thought to be coined by Minor Threat (thus being an offshoot of punk/hardcore).
Their song Straight Edge outlines their lifestyle that they choose to live... I've been told it was their drummer who was using a ruler to draw a poster and noted that the ruler's straight edge was a metaphor for their lifestyles...
The basic outline of straight edge is, as said before, not wanting to or taking part in:
Drinking (or any mind effecting drugs)
Casual sex (without a loving relationship)

This is just a simple guideline of what the LIFESTYLE of an edge person is. It can be built upon with vegan/vegetarianism, no caffeine and other choices that keep your body poison free.
An X can be worn on the hands of people who are edge, along with stating poison free, straight edge can be abbreviated to sXe. The X on the hand is because at punk/hardcore gigs, an X was drawn on the hands of minors so that they would not get served at the bar. With this movement people started putting Xs on their hands to show that they did not want to drink.
The idea of straight edge is not to poison the mind and body with anything that is bad for it, this, to me includes being a general bastard to peopleโ€ฆ For me its being the best person you can be.

We are not boring people, I choose not to drink, it doesn't mean I canโ€™t have fun, or go to parties, I just have fun while knowing what Iโ€™m doing and remembering.
Straight edge should unite people and not turn into a gang who discriminate against people who do poison their bodies... It's their choice, let them live with it, I donโ€™t look down on people who arenโ€™t edge.

Two good examples are:
Davey Havok (AFI)
Justin Sane (Anti-flag)
... These guys are modern day saints in my opinion

non sXe: do you want a drink/joint/smoke/one night standโ€ฆ etc.?
sXe: No thanks, I donโ€™t want to do that
(Straight edge is not a reason not to drink, smoke etc. A straight edge person will have their own reasons; straight edge is just a way of showing their lifestyle.)

by Stef P May 25, 2005

293๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Straight Edge.

The definition of straight edge is a set of guidelines established in the 1980's in Washington D.C., by a band called Minor Threat, a punk band that created the "straight edge" movement. Ian Mackaye was one of the founding fathers in this movement. Minor Threat's song "Straight Edge," really opened the eyes of young people. Straight Edge is a set of guidelines, not rules, that focuses on refraining from casual sex, drug use and drinking. This was very popular in the 1980's, and soon began to spread around the United States and is still being practiced to this day. You can usually tell that a person is "straight edge" by a large visible X on either attire or body. Many people will claim to be straight edge, but don't be fooled. Many people that are truly "straight edge" don't go around bragging about it.

Friend: Hey dude, want to be an average teenager with us and come smoke, drink, and/or have sex with random people at this rad party I heard about?

You: No thanks, I'm straight edge. Don't you see the ridiculously large X on my hand that I drew on myself in english class today?

Friend: Oh yeah. Whatever.

by punkrockbz March 27, 2008

49๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Straight Edge

X No drugs, X no alocohol, and X no casual seX

Im not straight edge to be different. Im straight edge because I know its right. Why do I want to get fucked up and forget all the shit that I did that night? No thanks, I want to enjoy my life by remembering it. Think for yourself.

by Lewis August 13, 2004

1775๐Ÿ‘ 880๐Ÿ‘Ž

straight edged

pretty much not usin drugs,smoking,or drinking,in some cases even caffeine and sex

jared n jasmine r straight edged,but not shannon.

by jared da hut June 30, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

straight edge

Straight Edge is basically a way of life that includes no drinking, no drugs, and so casual sex. Abbreviated SxE. It is not a religion or a gang. It is a choice that someone makes. However, not everyone who doesnt drink/do drugs/have casual sex is straight edge, and not all that say they are straight edge, are straight edge. People who are SxE might put black x's on their hands. yes, you can be friends with people who do these things. There are a few types of straight edge kids.

The true SxE kid - does not drink, does not have casual sex, and does not do drugs. Also, does not go around telling everyone he meets right away that he is SxE, when the time comes to bring it up, he does tell. Does not think himself better than others becasue he does not drink or do drungs or not have sex. Does not beat people up for smoking or drinking.

Asshole SxE kid - Abides by the 3 rules of SxE, but goes around thinking he is better than everyone, puts people down for it, and basically bugs the fuck out of people.

Scene/Fashioncore SxE Kid - Wears x's on his hands all the time, and wears a bandana around his mouth and nose all the time, usually has died black hair. Most of these kids are not actually SxE, hell, most of them dont even know the true meaning or SxE but say they are to get friends/be cool/fit in. They are the SxE trend kids, and give True SxE'rs a bad name. Becasue of these kids, most kids just think being SxE is wearing black x's and bandanas around your face.

Hardliner - Super SxE kids that usually are vegan, wont take drugs even for severe pain, drink caffeine, or do anything like that. There most defining trait ,however, is the fact that they beat the living shit out of people for smoking, drinking or doing drugs. They might see someone doing one of these things, not bothing them at all, get a bunch of their friends, and beat the shit out of one person with somewhere between 2-? people. These people sometimes kill the people they attack. They are the biggest threat to true SxE people. A lot of cops and other uninformed people, becasue of hardliners, believe SxE people to be a gang, and believe ever SxE kid will beat the shit out of someone smoking or drinking or something like that. They are hated by most SxE kids.

True Straight edge kid (when asked about drinking/drugs/sex) - "yeah, i dont do drugs, drink, or have casual sex. You do? ok, your choice man."

Asshole stright edge kid - Yeah im SxE and im fuckin better than you becasue of it, i dont poison myself and you do, your fuckin stupid as hell, i hate you all, go fucking burn yourself"

Scene/Fashioncore kid - (Wearing black x's on his hands and a black bandana over his face and his long died black hair) Yeah, Grr im SxE, im cool, wanna be my friend, im SxE, cmon im SxE you gotta like me, im cool." might also say that while drinking or smoking.

Hardliner (sees someone drinking or smoking, not bothering anyone, no one is in their range of 2nd hand smoke)
*goes and gets somewhere from usually 1 to 10 more hardliners then beats the hell out of the person drinking or smoking, some with brass knuckles or baseball bats* The beat up kid usually has to go to the hospital, and sometimes even dies

by xjustinxthomasxbx May 31, 2006

293๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

Straight Edge

Straight Edge is NOT something to do just because everyone else is doing it... Straight Edge is a lifestyle. You live the sraight edge way:
XNo smoking
XNo Drugs
XNo alochol
XNo casual sex
you do not have to be a certian "label" to be straight edge!

No drinking, no casual sex, no smoking, no drugs... just have fun being Straight Edge!

by xXxPrincess September 1, 2005

186๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž