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Superlative Ectomorph

one who insists he is awesome, when in fact, he has only 3 teeth

Johnny was the biggest superlative ectomorph in Harlem.

by Kyle King August 25, 2004

21👍 17👎

superlative conspiracy

the conspiracy that states super man had a very small penis and therefore wore tight items of clothing to create the visual allusion that it is bigger than it actually is. hence the female attention he receives through out his super life. What he didn't consider though was the lack of sperm he may now have.

Tony Blair, Superman, Dick Nightingale, The Pope:
A superlative conspiracy is the definition of a person who acts up to compensate for a lack of downstairs penis.

by The Mask of Zorro July 19, 2008

82👍 225👎


When something has skill or talent way above the norm.

Aka My Shell

I have ran out of superlatives for the way you make me feel.

by Varzee July 2, 2023