Descendants of the divine. Anyone blessed with this surname can be comfortable knowing that their souls are wise beyond their years and positivity affect anyone they interact with. You will always remember a Boza.
“Have you met Juan? There’s just something about him.”
“Oh, Juan? Yeah he’s a Boza (surname), best to not mess with him or his family. Still waters run deep you know.”
people whose names start with the letter b are often slutty, hot and are the ones who loose their virginity first.
person 1: did you hear hannah B lost her virginity?
person 2: well i mean her surname b what did you expect.
The person in a family, traditionally a male member of the family, who is responsible or ABLE to carry on the family name. ie- Luke Cantone is the surnamer for "Cantone" in the USA, which is why we were pressuring his dad, John Cantone, to have another child, after having two girls, Julia and Charlotte Cantone. Surnamer was created by Doctor Ron Smolkin.
We needed a surnamer in the USA since every male Cantone had only female daughters so we put the pressure on John Cantone to have a third child, even though he had his hands full with his two daughters. In the end, John was thrilled to have a third child, especially since he had a boy, Luke Anthony Cantone, our surnamer in the USA.
A surname that is longer that 8 letters long.
Friend: What's your greek surname?
Greek guy: Margalonoutofanoukopoulos
Friend: Wait what the f-
My surname is Siko,somebody asked me do you know what your surname means he knew what the surname means but I couldn't ask him because I was shy and it was the first time I met him.Please tell me what the surname Siko means????😭😭
Do you know what the surname Siko means
Leeiwestein (Sometimes: Livestein, Levin) — The surname has Jewish and Russian roots, descended from the Russian surname Levin, from the palm plant Livestona, originating from Southeast Asia and Oceania.
Russian: Ливестеин, ударение: Ливесте́ин, читается как: Ливестэ́ин.
english: Leeiwestein, Sometimes: Livestein, ac (emph): Leeiwestе́in.
Leeiwestein — Surname, spelling forms in different languages.