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A person who cares enough about abusive and ungrateful teens to work for crappy pay and long hours while hoping someday students mature enough to realize how lucky they are to have someone who gives a shit about them.

My teacher may have been a bitch sometimes, but she never gave up on me and I'm happy about that.

by Steph November 26, 2003

4947๐Ÿ‘ 1388๐Ÿ‘Ž


Good teachers are people dedicated to the education of students in their classrooms and to the institutions in which they work.

(Unfortunately, many of the contributors to this term don't seem to have encountered many good teachers. However, don't give up on learning because eventually several good teachers will show up.)

If you can read this, thank a teacher.

by 916 October 23, 2003

2037๐Ÿ‘ 638๐Ÿ‘Ž


Good teacher = Someone that cares about her/his students and tries there hardest to have there students leave at the end of the school year knowing something that they taught them.And get paid crap only like $35,000 an year.

Bad teacher = A teacher who don't give a crap about there students and give like 4 hours of homework. And for some reason it seems like they get paid more.

Good teacher ="You know if you EVER need to talk to someone I'm always here for you."

Bad teacher =" Get over yourself and get to work or you will be in detention tonight. You stupid teenager."

by Lid Lee April 21, 2006

1462๐Ÿ‘ 449๐Ÿ‘Ž


Adults that dont know shit and give u crap for 18 years

Fuckin hate teachers

by Ghost of KT November 18, 2016

52๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who makes you feel bad about the secret obscenities of your mind,which runs in the family.Hence why school is the other word for prison.

The teacher left everyone feeling scared,embarrassed,guilty....you get the picture.

by SomeoneNew October 13, 2011

26๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A teacher is someone who attempts to teach in a school. These people are paid terrible amounts, which may be why some of them don't like children. There are three types of teachers - good teachers, neutral teachers and evil teachers.

Features of a good teacher include (but are not limited to) - having a sense of humour, an interest in the pupils (but not sexually) and their interests, forgiving, helpful, doesn't give out a lot of homework.

Features of a neutral teacher include (but are not limited to) having an okay-sense of humour, non-threatening, gives an okay amount of homework, sometimes helps, may show favouritism.

Features of an evil teacher include (but are not limited to) -
no sense of humour, vindictive (never forgives), gives out lots of homework, shouts a lot, helps only if required, hates school children, expects school children to understand all things taught off by heart, very strict, wishes that the good old times would come back so that they could cane you if you were naughty.

An example of a good teacher:
Pupil: "Hey, sir, I didn't get the homework yesterday because I wasn't in."
Sir: "Ah, okay. *Gives homework* Why weren't you in?"
Pupil: "I was ill, sir."
Sir: "Aww, what did you have?"
Pupil: "Flu, sir."
Teacher: "Poor thing. Well, at least you're better now, having the flu is hell"
Pupil: "Sir, I don't understand the homework."
Teacher: "Here, let me help :D" *Helps with homework*

Example of a neutral teacher:
Pupil: "Sir, where was Shakespere buried? It doesn't say in the book..."
Sir: "It does. Look on page 64 :)"
Pupil: "Sir, what does 'illiterate' mean?"
Sir: "Look in the dictionary."
Pupil: "It doesn't say, sir."
Sir: "You haven't even opened the book yet."
Pupil: "Oh. Ta, sir."

Here is an example of an evil teacher.
Pupil: "Sir--"
Sir: "What?!"
Pupil: "I didn't do the homework becau--"
Sir: "Why the hell not?!"
Pupil: "Because I wasn't in"
Sir: "Well you should have got it off a friend! Detention!"
Pupil: "That's not fair!"
Sir: "Talking back?! For that, it's doubled!"
Pupil: "I hate you, sir."
Sir: "I don't care. Now go to your seat and finish your work you stupid child!"

by Loading May 9, 2011

452๐Ÿ‘ 177๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you want the vague definition: A person whose job is to teach children, teenagers, or adults depending on the type of school.

If you want a more descriptive definition:

There are three types of teachers.

1. An awesome teacher, someone who's funny and is a very kind person deep down. Someone who everyone says is their favorite teacher, and actually cares about their students. This is the rarest kind.

2. A teacher that is in the middle. Someone who is awesome some of the time, but an asshole from hell the rest of the time. This, or a teacher that no one really cares about, who isn't one particular kind.

3. A teacher that is a bitch from hell, even if it's a man. From my knowledge (I'm still in school), this is currently the most common type of teacher. This is a teacher that is normally an old, grumpy bitch who seems to keep her job for the sole purpose of making your life a living hell. This kind of teacher delights in giving students piles of homework because (s)he seems to enjoy it; the kind of teacher that hates everyone. This kind of teacher will get you in trouble just because (s)he doesn't like you.

Some teachers are actually nice, but most are horrible. This is what people who went to school in the past, or were home schooled, don't seem to realize.

by zawakuchi July 25, 2011

59๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž