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Teammate Syndrome

When the teammate(s) you're with are completely brainless and don't do anything of value.
Commonly associated with games where bad teammates are common (I.E Warzone)

John: Did you see Dave last night?
Steve: Yeah, he's got total Teammate Syndrome

by bagoonga August 6, 2021

Teammate Abandonment

When one or more player(s) leaves another player without any supporting fire. The abandoned player usually ends up getting mauled by zombies and dieing.

Damnit i got downed again because Mark into Teammate Abandonment.

by Smitty the man December 22, 2011

2đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž

ranked teammates

the most low functioning restarted mfs you will ever see, that just sell the entire game

guy 1: dude these ranked teammates are totally selling the game
guy 2: ikr

by apollo.11 July 21, 2024

3đź‘Ť 1đź‘Ž

ranked teammates

Ranked Teammates
Absolutely braindead mistakes that are retarded and have no common sense. They are often found making you borderline suicidal and angry, selling your games or rank while they do it over and over again with more random people.
Respectfully and Disrespectfully, if you yourself suck at a certain game that you play rank in, constantly doing bad in it; Consider quitting the game.

“Some autistic little bad rank teammates kept going like 0-10 or some horrible statline and kept dying while doing nothing.”
“Yeah bro I lost like 200 points thanks to some bad randoms/teammates/failed abortions”
Ranked teammates

by EL_2804 May 29, 2024

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Mowing the lawn with your teeth while your teammates play soccer

This is a sex act in which a male performs cunnilingus on a girl who has not shaved in a while, meanwhile, one or more people play with his balls.

John: Hey Brady, how’d you like to go to an orgy this weekend?
Brady: No way bro!
John: Are you sure? Haven’t you ever wanted to try mowing the lawn with your teeth while your teammates play soccer?
Brady: Hmmm, this weekend you say?

by Kuul June 21, 2020