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Civil War

A conflict where members of the same nation or theoretical national entity kill each other in a large scale, organized matter, usually for reasons that will continue to be extremely important to both sides for reasons that make no freaking sense to any countrymen who's ancestors did not participate.

More often then not, both sides' descendants will take every chance possible to bring it up just to cause further bad feelings. The various factors that lead to such madness will usually be reduced to a one sentence statement by both sides' descendants.

Jim: The Civil War was about slavery. Tom: No, it was about the economic burned imposed upon the south. Isaac: Whatever. You easterners just killed a bunch of people then made up a reason later.

by Das Jedi January 20, 2008

30πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

The Civil War

A event which occurred on February 45th in which the Ninjas defeated the Myths on a quest of who could get the most victory royales.

β€œHey dude do you know who won the Civil War?!”
β€œYeah the Ninjas, they had so many clean head shots!”

by Maxwell abudalas December 4, 2018

6πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Civil War

A War fought between the northern union states and the southern confederate states. The war began in 1861 and was ENDED IN 1865 WHEN THE NORTH WON.

Give it a rest you southern hick, the north won the war in 1865 so stop flying your confederate flag and be a true american.

by BravesSuck September 2, 2003

86πŸ‘ 94πŸ‘Ž

Civil War

In reference to the American Civil War:

Also known as The War of Northern Aggression. This conflicted started when the Federal Government overstepped its boundaries and interfered in the affairs of sovereign states. Slavery, while an controversial issue, was not the cause of the war, most people in the South were impoverished, and had not slaves. People often justify the war, saying the war's purpose was to "free the slaves." In reality, it was part of an over-arching Federalist conspiracy.

the one in the 1860s. civil war

by don't be a retard March 22, 2009

42πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

civil war

a mother fucking oxy moron. Or, sectarian violence fought between different factions within a single country.

"I don't think that the conflict in Iraq constitutes a civil war, because if it were they would be fighting with polite words, not bullets and hand grenades," said Gretchen.
"That may be true, but how about the American Civil War," questioned Jenny.
"It wasn't very genteel either." -Gretchen

by Grizzenny November 28, 2006

19πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

civil war

When A country is divided by issues and it causes conflict between two camps.

Such As the British civil war, Parliment Vs. Royalty.

Or the French Civil War, where they introduced the use of the gullitine.

America is not the only country to have had a CIVIL war.

"Im learning about the Civil War in History"

"Oh, Gee, i know all about that, are you confused about the Missouri Compromise, i sure know i was"

". . . Red Roses, White Roses, Oliver Cromwell?"

"Silly, there wasn't any roses in The Civil War"

". . ."

by idonthaveaname October 1, 2006

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Civil War

When two men bust a load in a woman at the same time in the same hole.

David: It was like a civil war in this girls ussy because both or sperms were fighting each other to win.

by SuasageFest May 1, 2023