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A beautiful person with an awesome character and is super nice. She is smart but does not brag. She is a person anyone can love. Emily are very rare these days, so when you find one keep them close.

Emily you're an awesome person, nobody can compare

by a gay computer June 10, 2014

384๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


A girl with little self confidence.
A girl who attempts to make everyone smile.
A girl who tries her hardest in everything, especially her dreams.
A girl who'd fall over almost every second.
A girl who feels alone, but has everyone surround her with open arms.
A girl who feels neglected by her family and never tells anyone...only spurting it out every once in a while.

A girl who can't say "no" because she fears hurting another.
A girl who is self conscious, and will even start fights when she argues that she isn't pretty.

Emily's can be a handful, and always need a shoulder to rely on. She has a bright, bubbly personality, but you should know her better than that. She's human. She has days where she's depressed as fuck, and other days where all she wants to do is be with you or her friends.

She can be a huge idiot, your best friend, and the love of your life. One second you could be playing video games and the next kissing in the rain. You'll never know where this timid yet slightly headstrong girl will lead you.

If you find an Emily, try making friends...hopefully she'll be one of these rare girls who you'll become instant friends with.

Scenario 1:

Person 1: Emily seemed pretty sad today....

Person 2: How about you go talk to her..? She seemed fine yesterday...

Scenario 2:

Emily: >D haha- second time I've beat you at this game today.

You: Whatever. I'll beat you this time...

Emily: Like to see you try~~

by AnonymousDreamer October 15, 2011

1047๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emily is hauntingly beautiful. She is the sort of girl that inspires the romantic within us all. She is the girl songs are written about, the girl that makes you want to pick up a guitar, the girl you find yourself writing poems for, in a giddy haze at 4 in the morning, whilst in the back of your mind wondering what the hell happened to your masculinity. Objectively, she is out of your league and yet every part of her seems to scream, 'talk to me, know me, love me'. The idea of another guy touching her sends you into a murderous rage and the idea of someone breaking her spirit simply breaks your heart. Falling for her can be intense and overwhelming, you fall hard and you fall fast but she can melt even the most stoical of hearts so don't attempt to fight it. Emily has left my life yet the memories of her seem more vivid every day. Missing her is agony. I know I may never meet my Emily again but I will never forget her. No man could ever love her more than me, though I am sure many will try.

Guy 1: Daaaamn! Check out Emily!!

Guy 2: Back off. She's MINE. She just doesn't know it yet.. :(

by Thomas Hart May 28, 2011

1269๐Ÿ‘ 301๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Emily is a girl who makes it easy to get out of bed in the morning. She accepts you as you are, because she doesn't judge. And you accept her as she is, because she's flawless, Her beauty is only a reflection of her lovely heart, one any guy would be lucky to call his.

Terrance: i wanna fall in love with someone

Beth: hey, have you met emily?

by nnam_ecnarret November 26, 2011

1417๐Ÿ‘ 334๐Ÿ‘Ž


A beautiful girl. She's the life of the party and can always make you laugh. You can have conversations with her about absolutely nothing and it will still be hilarious. She can always cheer you up no matter what and always seems to know what to say. She's completely a softe for the ones she loves even though she's a badass (: Emilys are crazy but also awesome. Awesome Emily

Person 1: WOAH, that girl looks fun to be around!
Person 2: Oh yeah thats Emily!

by Hiskitten<3 October 25, 2012

1429๐Ÿ‘ 338๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emily is a shy person but when you get to know her she is the sweetest person ever. You can always tell her random fun facts. She is very psychic and mentions that a lot. She is someone who would wake up extremely early just to talk to you. Emily is an amazing artist (better than she thinks she is). Emily always has good grades in school but often procrastinates. Emily is cute, almost as cute as a boat. Emily will always listen if you want to talk about something (whatever it is). You and her will likely have a lot of inside jokes. Emily is a reason to stay up all night or wake up very early. Emily is the most amazing person in the entire world. Whenever there are many people present Emily will just silently watch. Emily knows many strange people. You need to make her feel like the most special person because she is. Talking to Emily will make you happier than anything else in the world.

"I love Emily more than anything else in the entire world!"

by LinusNotTechTips June 2, 2020

1088๐Ÿ‘ 253๐Ÿ‘Ž


Amazing and beautiful people (inside and out).They Often have a great sense of humor, and nice personalities. They tend to have short hair and vary in height. They joke around a lot and can be very cuddly. When they smile, the whole room lights up. Their laugh will make you feel warm inside. Emily's are so much fun. They tend to be night owls and have all nighters. You can talk to them for hours at a time without even realizing how long you've been talking because it was so much fun. You always want to be with them and at their house. Emily's are amazing <3.

Person 1: name one of your best friends

Person 2: Well, obviously Emily.

by Youcantseemynamehaha16 June 29, 2018

185๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž