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Medical Examiner

Someone who is medically qualified and investigates deaths occurring under unusual or suspicious circumstances. Often this involves autopsies as well as some investigation similar to a forensics major.

"Didn't you hear? Mariah got her doctorate and became a medical examiner. Now she works in a morgue!"

by Doctor Jacklyn September 30, 2018

external examiner

Someone appointed from another institution by a university to question every little, trivial detail of an assessment or graded paper in order to justify their own hefty stipend, make lecturers' lives annoyingly miserable (thus reminding them they are still only employees) and to feign the appearance of academic quality.

Elvira: Leo the external examiner has returned your examination for review because some of the questions require commas to be added. Make sure you do this before you leave the office at 2.30pm today.

Chuck: If all Leo has to do for his money is correct my grammar, then I'd be grateful if you'd ask him to stick that examination paper up his fat arse.

by The Gonzo Lecture March 25, 2010

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rectal examination

when a doctor (or anyone) examines your rectum by sticking a (hopefully) gloved finger or two up your ass.

Joe went to his yearly check-up with no clue that he was mere minutes away from losing his anal virginity.
Rectum? It damn near killed him!!!

by Nick D April 4, 2003

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rectal examination

An exploration of the anus, colon and large intestines either digitally(a "finger wave") or by a Sigmoidoscope (the "Silver Stallion") to detect polyps, pre-cancerous lesions or early cancer.

Don't believe the proctologist when he tells you that you'll only experience mild discomfort when they video your colon...it feels like they sent an angry dwarf up your ass with a camcorder strapped to his spiked helmet.

by harry flashman July 17, 2003

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When, typically, a man crosses a woman on a street or in a school for example and turns around to take a quick peek or glance at her rear as she continues to walk in the opposite direction.

Guy first sees a girl walking in his direction wearing skin-tights and waits for her to pass before he turns around to check out what he knows will be a view of her booty from behind as she walks. He always waits a few seconds instead of saying anything, he just pervly and shamelessly scopes her ass out without her every knowing.

Girl "Jessica knows she's gonna get 100 cross-examinations wearing those skin-tight jeans today when she goes downtown."

by Captain Krunnch October 29, 2010

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Washington Examiner

A right-wing propaganda site

Washington Examiner-Trump has done 300 things in two years

Normal person- Haha, so stupid

by Jam00235 January 21, 2019

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Ass Examiner

A person who professionally looks at ass

It’s ok ma’am I’m a professional ass Examiner

by Jonnooo September 28, 2019