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A state, just like any other. It has idiots, stuck up snobs, bad drivers, and nice people. Don't be fooled by the corn when you are flying over. We have a lot of large cities, and a lot of farms. We happen to have had Ashton Kutcher, and Elijah Woods. That's about it. If you were born in Iowa, you will probably stay here, unless you're lucky.

Non-Iowan: How many pigs do you have?
Iowan: Zero, I actually don't live anywhere near a farm.
Non-Iowan: Lol, do you even have a tv?
Iowan: Yes, I do. I have an iphone too. Do you have a brain?
Non-Iowan: LOL. A what?

by Thatonegirlidk July 6, 2013

28๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


The greatest state in the Union with education, and the ability to function with agriculture and good morals,When western civilization comes crashing down around you other 49 inferior states (Illinois is ok).

Man 1#: Im tired of fuck-offs making fun of Iowa why don't we just secede and laugh our asses off while those homo-erotic Californians starve to death.

Man2# Yeah I can't wait!

by SKFD 68 February 5, 2009

303๐Ÿ‘ 229๐Ÿ‘Ž


What the hell is this
I - Idiots

O - Out

W - Wondering

A - Around
We're the smartest state in the U.S!
For Christ's sake, stop your bitching about our "terrible driving" and go to New York, give me a review about their shitty driving.

God damn, Iowa has some of the nicest people, and there isn't corn EVERY WHERE.
To be honest, there isn't even as much corn as you think there would be, there are more cities than corn.

Plus, if you hate Iowa then promise me you'll never eat corn and or barilla noodles again.
So, all you more suberban suburban states can suck it because Iowa is the shit!

Person 1: Dude, you live in Iowa?! You might as well just live in a corn field. HAH, are you a farmer?!
Person 2: No, actually i'm a physicist for Iowa State University, one of the best colleges in the world.

Person 2: No.. it was a mansion in the suburbs of Des Moines
Person 1: GO EAT CORN! :(

Person 2: Okay, I will. And I'll rub it in your face cause Iowans have some DAMN FINE CORN!

by Angry Iowan. <__<' October 16, 2011

84๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž


BEST State in the entire united states of america!

Most, cocky dumbasses hate on iowa, and say that all there is is corn.. Thats completley wrong! EVERY state has agriculture and just about every state grows corn and has corn fields.
So what if iowa has corn, that dosnt mean thats the only thing to do!

Iowa is the best! Our hot chicks and all of our sports teams..

Iowa will fuck up anyone who tries to talk shit on us! were no pussys, we will fight any mother fucker who tries to hate on us!

Iowa has the best state fair too! The IOWA State Fair is possibly the best state fair in all of the US.

We have everything, Demo Derbys, Mudding, So much shit, youd just have to come here and check it out!

Loser: har har har, you're from iowa, go eat some corn
Iowa Representer: Shut the fuck up *punches loser in the nost and makes him bleed and cry like the little bitch he is*


by IOWA ROCKS April 22, 2006

551๐Ÿ‘ 505๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state full of beauty and 3 million of the nicest people in the universe. Also a pioneer in education, with the Iowa Test of Basic Skills and ACT being based in Iowa City. Is home to a ton of natural beauty: Ledgers State Park near Boone, the Des Moines, Missouri, and Mississippi Rivers, as well as numerous forests and woods. Tends to be judged by people who have never visited it.

Iowan: How do you do good sir? Would you like some ice cream from the largest ice cream factory in the world, which just so happens to be in LeMars, Iowa?
Unenlightened one: GO FUCK YOUR SISTER.

by notafarmer February 19, 2011

76๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


Okay, I have to disagree with most of the definitions here. I've lived in Iowa most of my life and it might not be the 'worst' state but it pretty much is all about farming (and maybe insurance if you live in Des Moines, whopee!)

Seriously, most of the people on here defending the state sound like they're reading right out of a travel brochure.

The good news is crime is low, traffic is low, the state universities are ranked relatively high, pollution is low (except for the chemical runoff from the corn and bean fields.)

Speaking of corn and beans, that really what most of the state is. No mountains, few hills or forests, just corn and beans and dirty little ponds and streams. Lots of hog confinements, too, which you'll smell from miles away.

Most people are polite but really not very engaging. Most Iowans kind of live off in their own little bubble and don't really care about politics or current events. In fact I would say the vast majority of adults here don't read, period.

Some of the 'cities' are ok, (I particularly like Iowa City and Dubuque), but nothing spectacular.

The weather is horrible, hot humid summers with lots of mosquitoes, awful winters.

Maybe not the 'worst' state of the union, but definitely not the best and it's gotta be high in the running for 'most boring.' Of course if you're from NYC or LA and are looking for a change of pace, you'll find it here, for better or worse.

"I can't believe all the crap people talk about Iowa, it's really an amazing state with lots of opportunities and beautiful landscapes and some of the best people in the world and--"

"--dude, have you even been out of the state?"

by Nword Ricky November 23, 2012

50๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž


An ok place to live...ITS NOT ALL CORN!!!!! And Davenport has construction on the streets 24-7!!!

Hell the Used came to Davenport Iowa!... and it was awesome!!!

by HPIU October 3, 2009

24๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž