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JEDI is a Hebrew male name meaning "beloved by God" It is a variant of the Hebrew name Jedidiah found in The Bible in 2Samuel 12:25 - Jedidiah was King Solomon's name from God.

Jedi is a male name, a form of Jedidiah. It's Hebrew origin and history is Biblical (2Samuel 12:25) and has nothing to do with Star Wars fiction.

by tray1234 March 16, 2011

27๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Jedi is the one who is on his path to understand the ways The Force. It is a one that rejects his emotions and follows only his mind. Jedis try to reach absolute balance with the world that surround them - they focus on understanding the ways of all things and use that knowledge to bring pease to those, who suffer. The Jedis understand, that true happiness is only possible when one completely controls his emotions and is sure that what he does or does not is exacly what he want and is suppose to do. A Jedi knows not hasitation or doubt, as his training gives him the skill to avoid mistakes in all forms of actions, be it combat, diplomacy, bartering, repairs or driving/piloting. But the truly important thing to remember abuot the Jedi is that what they do is learn all about the world surrounding them. Their power comes strictly from UNDERSTANDING, both the inanimate world and all the living creatures. They bieleive there is a way of all things to be, and their duty is to make all things go that way.
The Jedis form an Order of The Jedi. Young gifted children are taken into the Temple, where their training in the ways of the Froce begins. younglings are prepared to the role of Padawans. A Padawan is the student of the Force assigned to a mature Jedi Knight, which from now on is the Padawan's Master. The Padawan follows his master everywhere, and helps him on his tasks. This builds a strong relationship beetween the Master and the Student. During the journeys with his Master the Padawan takes several ritual tests - The test of courage, proving the Padawan can control his fear and act to the will of the Force even under stressful conditions, another tast that proves he can beat any opponent in combat, and the mst difficult - the test of Spirit, allowing the Padawan to look into himself and confront the worst of his own fears. Even after these test a Padawan is not automatically promoted to a Knight - the final decision is always in the hands of the Jedi Council. The Master can report whether he liked or disliked the way his young Apperentice passed through the tests, but it is the Council that decides. After the Council promotes a Padawan to a knight, the head of the council cuts the Padawan's hair (each padawan has a tail of hair behind his left ear). A Jedi knight then takes direct orders from the counsil and is trusted to perform missions. A Jedi Knight is a true Jedi. Most jedis met in the Galaxy are Jedi Knights.
The council may grant a Jedi knight another rank - the rank of a Jedi Master. This is done in respect to whatever the Jedi did in his career, or the promotion is simply proposed by the Force itself (or so the coucil says). A Jedi Master automatically becomes the member of the Jedi Council and from this day on his decicions affect the whole Order.

"No, Republic Credits won't do! Are you somekind of a Jedi?"

by AndrewJedi0032 August 18, 2006

136๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


A portly 30-something man who, after becoming unemployed, has decided to stay home and work odd part-time jobs from home. He rarely leaves the house, unless he is taken somewhere by his wife or new mommy. When accosted by friends concerning his demise, he doesn't care, because it is insanely obvious that he is supremely aware of how his actions will ultimately affect him and those around him.

"Tim needs to get off his ass and find a job."

"No, shut up, he's a jedi."

by Rick the Nature Boy April 9, 2008

139๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cockney Rhyming slang for 'faeces'

Jedi Knight - Shite

Max, hurry up and get out the toilet. I'm bursting for a jedi.

by Ramsay Tupper March 31, 2005

239๐Ÿ‘ 225๐Ÿ‘Ž


I wish I was one...

Jedis are freakin cool!

by Cpt.Bob September 21, 2003

132๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used to describe an Indian, Pakistani, or other desi. Commonly used in the UK where "brown" is considered politically incorrect.

Julie: Hey Pooja, who was that brown guy I saw you with yesterday?

Pooja: Excuse me?! You should refer to Indians as Jedi, not brown!

by KshitijSingh March 8, 2011

50๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


jedi are at the top of the fighter hierarchy.

they beat pirates (only by a little) and ninja (by a whole lot)

the hierarchy is as follows:


dude, that jedi just saved that pirate from that disgusting ninja

by Andrea Lynn May 16, 2007

31๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž