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best thing in the world


Having sex with heather is the best thing in the world

by bigdaddytravis November 7, 2013

9๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

The best thing ever

Xinas cock

Would you like to see the best thing ever?

by Xina the legandary cock July 14, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Next best thing syndrome

This is someone ,male or female,who claim to be in a relationship with only you ,but keeps you hidden from others. They do this is order to still appear single ,so they can continue to be sneaky on social media and dating sites. They will tell you they are a private person in order to not acknowledge your relationship with them publicly. You will never meet their family or friends .In reality, they are hiding multiple relationships with the opposite sex online .
These afflicted with this syndrome are usually a narcissist ,who tends to be loud , attention seeking, sneaky,and constantly plays the victim role to gain your sympathy . They are also selfish, entitled, and always thirsty for compliments and praise from multiple people in order to feed their fragile ego.
When you get suspicious and confront them about their behavior ,they will gas light you.
They will double down on the lies ,even after you present evidence of screen shots of said lies. They will move onto the next best thing, because they sense you are pulling away from them . Once you end the relationship ,they will quickly , generally within days , go public with the next best thing, in order to get one last dig in.

I thought Steve was such a great guy ,until I discovered he suffers from the next best thing syndrome .

by SassyMam03 March 14, 2022

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Best things ever created

Nutella, tits, pussy, my dick, ass, oreos

Pussy is one of the best things ever created

by Pussydestoyyer June 24, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

best of things

a gangsta ass song by xzibit

your sound system sounds better than mine...and we have the same speakers!!
yea its cause its the best of things song by xzibit

by jc from houston texas November 18, 2007

best thing i never had

When you had feelings for someone, and you were so close to being together, but they mess up and you don't end up with them but it was amazing while it lasted.

"He was the best thing i never had"

by urbandefinitionsofficial June 28, 2017

48๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

the best thing since sliced bread

a person says this to show how one apprieciates the other person or object; to show how much they like the person or object.

Chad-"Damn! Yo da best thing since sliced bread honey!"
Betty- "Give me yo numba and u will c the second best thing since sliced bread"


Tony- Wow! this video game is the best thing since sliced bread!

by --katy- June 20, 2006

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