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Baby Fondler

An extremely sick pedophile who likes the REALLY young ones.

Tim: Can I play with your baby?

Joe: Depends what you mean. You a baby fondler?

by Ekaven May 13, 2010

donkey fondler

A term for a homosexual person.

Trent you are such a donkey fondler. I dont wanna hear about you and Sean's island retreat weekend.

by omg i am wtf uber November 8, 2006

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ball fondler

A questionable males sexuality or a homosexual.

1st example:
Questionable male: "I went to a ballet last night and it was pretty cool."

Non-questionable male: "What are you a fuckin' ball fondler?"

2nd example: "Rock Hudson was a ball fondler."

by Bob "Fuckin'" Martin October 14, 2007

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turd fondler

1.one who inserts their hand into another's anus.
2. a homosexual man.
3. an idiot or jackass.

That Sid in marketing is a real turd fondler, I'd like to slit his throat.

by Dr. Literate August 6, 2006

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fern fondler

a different word for tree hugger

dude, look at those hippie chicks, they're such fern fondlers

by lindsayellen March 28, 2007

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Cock fondler

(n) One who feels the urge to constantly stroke the cock; needs to constantly touch cock

Mike N. walks around groping my package, what a cock fondler!Take it Ease!

by upscale November 16, 2007

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midget fondler

To handle, caress lovingly, or stroke a midget.

Midget fondler is when a white man gentley strokes a black midget.

by doctor knockerssss March 29, 2009