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Golden Retriever

A golden retriever is a man, usually in his twenties, who is beyond naive/gullible. A golden retriever is usually lanky and blond, and will look younger than he really is. you can tell somebody is a golden retriever at first glance.

Golden retriever: "Can I get $10 cash back?"
Store clerk: "Sure, that will be 29.99"
Golden retriever: "Oh..."

"Andy thought gullible was really written on the ceiling. He's such a golden retriever."

by snot-bot October 5, 2018

54πŸ‘ 142πŸ‘Ž

Golden retriever

When you leave a piece of jewelry in someone after fisting and go back in to get it - reference "dirty hazleton"

After a sexual encounter Pj couldn't find his watch, so he had to give Racheal a golden retriever

by Angry T December 27, 2016

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Golden retriever

Any of a breed of once useful upland game retriever with a dark gold coat known for its gentle nature and high trainability that is now being largely replaced as a heavily boned, short-legged race of almost white dogs with somewhat unpredictable temperaments. This breed was derived from the same root stock as the flat-coated retriever.

That golden retriever just took my arm off!

by retrieverman February 3, 2009

32πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

golden retriever

Another word for a gold digger. A girl that is only with a man because she wants his money; shell spend it on jewelery, clothes, psa treatments, etc. Once he goes broke she'll go for another man that is rich or just plain financialy stable.

"She's a golden retriever
Retrieves your oldest coin
Leads you blindly down every dark alley
Then she'll bleed you dry."

- Super Furry Animals

by Sean E Sean July 21, 2010

22πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž

Golden Retriever

* An overly bubbly and bouncy fake blond girl with huge boobs

* An overly blond girl who is so annoying and stupid you just wanna punch her in the face

'Dude, this girl I went out with last night was such a golden retriever'

by Ivna June 24, 2005

51πŸ‘ 394πŸ‘Ž

Golden Retriever

A sexual act consisting of urinating in a partner's anus or vagina and then slowly sucking it out with one's mouth.

"Dude, I went on a date with Emily!"
"How'd it go?"
"Not so good. She wanted me to give her a golden retriever."
"Would it be cool if I gave her a call?"

by Stinky Schulman January 7, 2012

31πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

golden retriever girl

a girl with personality traits and characteristics that can be associated with a golden retriever. personality wise; funny/goofy, energetic, hyper, and just an over all goofball. characteristic wise; shaggy blonde hair, lanky, almost always smiling!!

*a girl with personality traits and characteristics that can be associated with a golden retriever. personality wise; funny/goofy, energetic, hyper, and just an over all goofball. characteristic wise; shaggy blonde hair, lanky, almost always smiling.

person A: β€œwow, i just meet a girl earlier and she is basically a human golden retriever!!”
person B: β€œaww!! aren’t golden retriever girls just the best!!”

by fakeblondedog June 23, 2022

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž