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Riley Parish

A Fat gay sheep rooter who is always complaining about something and cracks tanties multiple times on a daily basis

Riley Parish is a fat homo

by Not Israel Rodgers June 23, 2020

Tom Parish

Bag fumbling homie, can't secure bags.

Ted: Tom Parish, go secure the bag.
Tom: I'm afraid I can't. I am a bag fumbler.

by therealslimtomsdad April 4, 2022

Parish Chilton

An upper white trash version of Paris Hilton. A white trash female or transvestite who aspires to be like Ms. Hilton and who consciously adopts fashions, speech and mannerisms made famous by the spoiled scioness of the Hotel magnate.

A conjunction of the two terms Parish and Chilton, each with mainstream references, e.g., "Parish" is the Louisiana equivalent to "County" and "Chilton" is a reference to the Auto Parts Reference Manual. The urbandictionary.com definitions of these terms are considerably seedier and decidedly connote that which is thoroughgoingly low class.

Bob: After Suzy won the lotto last year she went Parish Chilton big time and like crazy fast, fried and dyed her hair, got Botox, Lipo and boob implants and then moved with her passle of chirrens into that abandoned mansion of a spec house there in Collyel - you know, the one with the large swimming pool shaped like the Jim Beam bottle. Oh and she finally lawyered up and divorced that good for nothing moron Tommy who's been sponging off of her all these years. Next thing you know, she bought herself a Chihuahua, a Hummer H3 and is now with misteree beef on a two week cruise to Cancun.

Marcus: "One word, Bobby. . . go girl!"

by Russell Clark December 3, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Livingston Parish

Home to every white trash redneck who can't afford Baton Rouge. Houses the trashiest segment of people in the 225. These people are very racist.

The Texas Club has Livingston Parish to thank for almost 99% of their business.

Crystal Meth is the drug of choice for these underpaid, overworked baboons.

Ugly, fat, over-tattooed and pierced people in WalMart are referred to as "LPNs" Livingston Parish Natives.

The LP is the armpit of the Capital Region.

LPN 1 - "Hey ya'll! Let's cook some Meth then go to the T-club!"

LPN 2 - "I can't my 14 year old sister is havin' her baby tonight. Guess we gon' have to drive up into Baton Rouge to see her. I hate goin' up in there, too many niggers."

LPN 1 - *Spit's dip out* "I hate a nigger, that's one thing that's for sure. That's why I live in Livingston Parish."

by theLPsucks May 22, 2009

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Livingston Parish

Also known as "LP", it is a poor part of Louisiana where everyone assumes outside the parish we are racist, uneducated, rednecks, meth addicts, or products of incest. We are not, lol.

Insert example of Livingston Parish here.

by WalkerWildcat2014 October 30, 2011

66๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brittany Parish

A really great girl. A rough past has made her a strong woman. She loves people and loves to help. Likes to joke and lighten the mood. Brittany has always tryed to be a people fixer and every relationship she has been in has been with someone she considered "broken". As much as She denies it she enjoys the finer things, Brittany definately feels like she must work for everything she has or wants. Over all one of a kind girl.

Gintry: Brittany Parish really is the sweetest girl.

by The One Who MATTERS. September 12, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

assumption parish

a parish in southern louisiana about 70 miles west of new orleans where everyone assumes they live in a town, even though 72% of the parish is unincorpirated. about 25,000. 90% of the population lives along bayou lafouche or nearby nieghborhoods, 9% live in pierre part, a town literally in the middle of nowhere, and the other 1% live in the dumpster behing assumption high school, or permenantly loiter pop-n-go's. i would not recommend living here unless you enjoy being bored all the time and enjoy economic inconvience.

Peter: Where do you live?

Josh: Assumption parish

Peter: Where is that?

Josh: On the other side of Thibodaux, Morgan City, Donaldsonville, the place nobody ever goes because theres no reason at all to come here.

Peter: Oh I'm sorry

by datkidkidlolseeme December 11, 2010

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