A lying, piece-of-shit corporate fuckwad who lies out their ass to get elected telling you how much they care for you, and then once their sorry-ass gets in office, they lie, cheat, steal and fuck the whole system up in order to keep the power.
Just look at any goddamn politician.
337๐ 48๐
politicians dont do shit for the common man. they only help the rich
566๐ 95๐
They're assholes.They're ALL assholes.
politicians are nuts!
120๐ 16๐
A common yet incurable mental disease that affects a person's attitude in common life situations. It causes negative emotional responses to everyday tasks and responsibilities and can be extremely dangerous if contracted by a person with public authority. However, in the United States it is not considered dangerous and is often accepted or encouraged by the general population. Infection is also a requirement to hold a political seat of power in the United States.
Symptoms Include (But are not limited to):
-Feeling that nothing is your fault
-Feeling no guilt
-Feeling that everything is everyone else's problem
-And an urge to create really obnoxious television and radio commercials
Congressmen, Senators, The President, Democrats, Republicans, and Microsoft employees and stock holders.
Patient: "Doctor, I'm feeling uncontrollable urges to steal money from my neighbor, cheat on my taxes and buy expensive things on credit with no intention of ever paying it back. What's wrong with me?"
Doctor: "Have you ever considered running for President? Your tests came back positive for Politicianitis!"
People who are paid to spend everyone else's money.
Damn politicians are using our money to buy beer again.
201๐ 33๐
A.rotten bastards
B.lying assholes
C.thieving crooks,murderers and cheats
D.all of the above
answer: _D.all of the above_
politicians suck ass ........................
305๐ 57๐
corporate whore who fakes compassion to gain the trust of the general public. Often a complete wordfuckwit/word.
Someone who would rather suck thier fathers cock than answer a question honestly.
see: wordliar/word, wordwhore/word, wordfake/word.
George Bush, Tony Blair, Margret Thatcher, Ron Davis.
iEcl. Rhodri Morgan/i
621๐ 128๐