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I·ran (ĭ-rān', ĭ-rän', ī-rān')Pronounced "ee-rawn," not I ran.

Population: 68,700,000.

A country of southwest Asia. Inhabited since c. 2000 B.C. by Iranian peoples, the region later became the core of the Persian Empire. After being conquered by Alexander the Great and ruled by the Parthian Arsacid dynasty, Persia was reestablished under the Sassanian dynasty (A.D. 224-651) and, after invasions by Arabs (7th century), Turks (10th century), and Mongols (13th-14th centuries), was reestablished again under the Safavid dynasty (1502-1736). The country, officially renamed Iran in 1935, was ruled by the Pahlavi dynasty from 1925 until the ouster of Muhammad Reza Pahlavi (1979) in a revolution led by the most evil man in the world, AKA Ayatollah Khomeini, who established an Islamic republic. Tehran is the capital and the largest city.

Billy: "Wait...ur from I ran er I rain, ain't you?"
Arizu: "Okay, first off-I did not run anywhere. Second-It's impossible for an individual to 'rain.' It's Iran. Get it right. Seriously."

by Melly Belly July 14, 2008

90👍 29👎


....Or is it Syria? Either way, the cake was to die for

Iran into Trump's wall

by a babies goad April 18, 2017

201👍 88👎


A used to be peaceful country.
If you research deep iranian,american,and iraqi history, you would find out that the bush senior supported and persuaded saddam to attack iran, a YEAR before the gulf war. What the Hell is going on hear?

America The beautiful and great--
but ran by dumbasses who cant keep this great country in good health

by Sex Maniac September 1, 2004

555👍 226👎


Once a prosporos land and home of the earliest Aryan tribes who later migrated to europe. Has been a hot bed for math, science, astronomy, architecture, philosopy, poetery, medicine and business as long as the Greeks. In-fact, Greeks and Persians shared wealth, territories and army's.

Currently ruled by a puppet regime and a scapegoat for America's huge deficit and loses on the oil market due to the sorry state of the U.S. dollar.
Iran is the second largest exporter of oil in the world and thus has a huge impact on the world market and the U.S. economy.

Iran means 'land of the Aryans' in its ancient indo european language.

by Hurrley May 3, 2006

180👍 71👎


Once a prosporos land and home of the earliest Aryan tribes who later migrated to europe. Has been a hot bed for math, science, astronomy, architecture, philosopy, poetery, medicine and business as long as the Greeks. In-fact, Greeks and Persians shared wealth, territories and army's.

Currently ruled by a puppet regime and a scapegoat for America's huge deficit and loses on the oil market due to the sorry state of the U.S. dollar.
Iran is the second largest exporter of oil in the world and thus has a huge impact on the world market and the U.S. economy.

Iran means 'land of the Aryans' in its ancient indo european language.

by Hurrley May 3, 2006

86👍 34👎


A once great nation, crippled by Islam and its backward ape-like belief system. Controlled by a complete cunt of a dictator, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who I can only assume is in league with satan. Given the chance I'd shoot him in the face myself.

Iran ruled by a cunt - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

by mockofoil March 26, 2007

263👍 116👎


The country which will not be invaded by the USA since, unlike Iraq, Iran has a missile range which can reach Europe, and a modern radar and communications system not to mention approximately an army, including both conventional and revolutionary personnel, of about 750,000 strong. Furthermore attacking Iran, the third largest oil producing country in the world, would dramatically increase oil prices. Notice that Iraq, despite having such a low production of oil, was able to increase the price of oil dramatically. The government also contributes to the stability of Afghanistan, Iraq, and virtually the entire eastern portion of the Near East. So any attack would compromise everything hat the USA tried to do in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Furthermore, it has been historically shown that any empire that tries to conquer the modern day Iran either losses control of it in about a hundred years, gets destroyed by Iranians, or eventually is taken over by Iranian administrators since the guys who have conquered Iran do not have a clue about running the governments. And given the current case of Iraq, the USA certainly falls under that category.

Furthermore, if the USA attacks Iran, a country with three times the land and populous of Iraq, would very dangerously stretch US forces too thin to effectively engage in an actual threat from another country.

Iran will not be next country attacked unless the entire US representative and military personnel are complete idiots. Therefore, it will most probably happen ;).

by cyrus III May 8, 2005

630👍 355👎