A norwegian word.
The definition of a spy and/or investigator. You often find these under your coutch and in your closet.
You is geir jarle.
Du er geir jarle.
A girl who plays baseball and hits dingers, usually named Meadow, or Sarah
That geire over there hits dingers
Geir Ove's are the best people in the world, they are the best people on the whole wide earth, they are smart, muscular, funny, hygenic and really hot.
Jack: That Geir Ove guy is really sexy! Mike: I know, he's super hot!
no one likes a geir ove geiroves are horrible creatures and they will make u wanna kill yourself
wow hes such a geir ove!! wish he could just go and blow his head off....
-whos Geir Tore?
-rakels boyfriend
-aaahhhhh with the big wiener?