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A random piece of hair that defies gravity despite all efforts to fix it. Usually appears somewhere along the forehead line.

I slept weird last night, and now this stupid toink won't go down!

by Vinny V December 7, 2010

13👍 10👎


When an individual or an object lands and hits someone. Thats when you say toink, to add your own sound effect :P

an apple falls off a tree and hits somebody's head.. (Toink)

by Bullseye93 August 26, 2010

4👍 8👎


To toink something is to twist it. Toink is another word for twist

You need to toink it first

by GRIXRE January 8, 2019


When you can't think of nothing to say; pretty much thoughtless.

Right now I'm so toink.

by Greendro The Great November 27, 2020


A type of screw up beyond imagination; fucking stupid

Joe is such a damn toink. I vote we kill em

by toink_27 February 15, 2017


Killing someone and robbing their goods.

We toinked the little parapeligic

by toinky April 16, 2020


Fully toinked- meaning one is flavor blasted higher than cunt. - by Bustin Jieber

This shit got me toinked...

by bustin jieber69 May 26, 2023