Is THAT what that is? I mean, it changed after the fast food place so this is clearly more than JUST that but still... That is fucking pathetic! Damn, maybe the pornstars are right about these motherfuckers being insecure. Holy shit. JESUS! This motherfuckers are over here doing shit like talking a bunch of shit and like hiding his sister from the rough doggy-style pounding I would give her (assuming she's old enough) and here I AM... Attributing to them the moral and existential value of a mannequin or like... A mop or something, like... WOW dawg... Well, now I feel bad for talking all of this shit...
Hym "So I'm too sexy and so brilliant that I literally created A.I., became the greatest writer of all time, and generated more money than any man on the planet by doing nothing more than 'STOP TRYING?' That's the problem here? I did the literal opposite of try and it was so wildly effective I've literally been immortalized in cinema and anime and have changed the world forever? That's what this is? I mean, it's more than that because of the weird stalking element that preceded me saying anything but holy shit guys... This is why I didn't want to compete. This is sad."